Lifestyle Magazine

International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.

Today is International Women’s Day. While a lot of women are staying home today due to the “A Day Without A Woman” walkouts, marches and gatherings, I am concentrating on honoring women for different reasons.

Most people would consider this a day all about women who do big things, CEOs, serve in the military, are senators and congresswomen, women who rule the world and women who kick ass and take names. Women who strive to be Super Women.

They are strong women with a sense of purpose and dedication. They are admirable, they are role models, they are leaders and they are unstoppable.  These women are what a lot of people think of when we talk about International Women’s Day. 

But I want to recognize and honor the women you might not typically think about today. I want to honor those women who are depressed, anxious, without hope. Moms. Moms who are struggling to keep food on the table. Moms whose husbands have bailed. Left them high and dry to care for young babies or to have babies who will never know their father. Moms who suffer from postpartum depression and are afraid to tell anyone because they might be judged by other women as weak, sick, frail etc.

I want to lift up women who suffer from mental illness or addiction and feel alone and hopeless. Women who don’t feel they fit in. Women taking care of sick children or sick parents or other loved ones. Women whose husbands are in the military and are left behind with kids to raise when their husband is shipped out for long periods of time. 

Let’s don’t forget the older women. The ones who have “been there and done that” and survived. Outlived their husbands and/or children and are on their own and not sure what tomorrow will bring. Older women who are tired and exhausted with all that life has thrown their way. Women who struggle to raise grandkids whose parents are no longer in the picture and the social security money just isn’t enough.

These moms and women I want to honor today. All over the globe. I didn’t name them all but you get my point. There are so many, too many women who need lifting up every single day. Remember them too. Honor them. Support them. Lift them up. Pray for them. They are everywhere. 

You may think they have their shit together. You may think they are strong. They may put on a good front. Women need to support each other and not tear each other down. We don’t all have to be working, strong independent women. It’s ok to be sweet, caring and selfless women and moms. There are all kinds of women. And that is perfectly ok. Let’s honor and support ALL these women today. 

International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.
International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.
International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.
International Women’s Day, Celebrating and Honoring ALL Women.

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