Politics Magazine

Intelligence and Income Are Poorly Related, Part 4,860

Posted on the 29 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Terrance: Do you know if the internet has any serious IQ tests? 2 years ago, wondering where I could know mine for sure, you told me that my university has a psychologist who does IQ testing. It turned out it doesn’t, or rather, they don’t want random guys passing the test because it takes 4 hours off their schedule and they’re busy.

But I do agree with those who say, that these tests are a waste of time if nobody, public or private sector, takes them into account. What a worker needs is obedience, not the quickest brains. What a careerist needs is ambition and social skills. What self-employed people need is discipline. If you aren’t any of that, it’s too bad, but I’d rather be one of the three than doing brain virtue signalling the rest of my life with other lonely gifted people.

This is sorry. I thought it was law that grade schools, high schools and universities have to give you a test if you ask for one. On the other hand, if you already got a score, they might not give you another one.

I would say to go to the Psychology Department and ask to be tested. There are quite a few Psychology professors there, and most are either Psychiatrists or Clinical  Psychologists I would imagine. I would think one of them might give you a test just for fun. Plus they sort of feel obligated.

You were absolutely tested in grade or high school. You had to be. It’s usually state law to give all students this test. You have access to your score from whichever school you took the test from. Ask your mother or father. They were definitely told your score.

An IQ test is a test of raw brain speed. This is why it is annoying that so many people insist that IQ tests do not measure intelligence. For Chrissake, what better measure of intelligence is there other than a test of how fast your brain works? Intelligence means the speed of your brain and not much else.

What is stupid about this is that idiots who say that IQ tests don’t mean anything are actually saying that it doesn’t matter how fast your brain works. Faster brains are no more intelligent than slower brains. Very slow brains may be the smartest of all and very fast brains are among the dumbest out there.

What sort of BS sense does that make? The speed of your brain does not matter in terms of job, career, income and so many other things? Most jobs don’t care how fast your brain works? Are you kidding me? That’s a pretty stupid thing to say!

Low IQ people have brains that do not work very fast when they work at all. Average IQ people have brains that work at the average speed for a human being in that country. High IQ people have brains that work fast. As you go up on the scales, you get brains that work faster and faster. Gifted people have brains that work faster than 98% of the population. Geniuses or genius IQ scorers are as common as dirt as there are 3.3 million geniuses. One out of every 100 Americans has a genius IQ. It’s not as impressive as you think. But these people have brains that actually work faster than 99% of the population.  Then you get to Cerebral Aliens like me who have brains that work faster than 99.9% of the population.

Problem is that when you to right around this point, IQ stops being adaptive and life outcomes in terms of job title, career and income start to decline. With every increased IQ point, these things decline more and more on a direct linear basis. Hence you have the smartest man on Earth, Christopher Langan, dropping out of university, and working at all sorts of working class jobs his whole life such as truck driver, lumberjack and bar bouncer. And you have the 160+ IQ men profiled earlier on this site who are actually so smart that their intelligence is actually a disability as opposed to a gift.

The reason is that as IQ climbs to 145 and above, people start getting weird and out there. With every IQ point rise,  they get stranger and stranger and often more and more introverted, socially awkward, lonely and celibate.

At some point, their IQ is so high that they are nearly nonfunctional and they can function only at a low level in society when they can function at all.

They are getting to the point where they are actually so damn smart that they are pretty much too smart to even function in society!

Sidis is said to be the smartest man who ever lived. He dropped out of university after dazzling professors and students alike at his school. He become very introverted, stayed inside most of the time, had few or no friends. was very lonely, never made a nickel and turned into an early trainspotter, as he become  utterly obsessed with bus schedules, making a vast collection of them and writing up many reports with graphs and figures about the various bus schedules.

The commenter is correct. And many high IQ and very high IQ people lack ambition, discipline, social skills and obedience or any combination of the above.

This is probably the reason you have so many high IQ people who are living at or near the poverty level. I could give you the names of five people right now who have IQ’s of 140-150.

One is an older woman, but she spent her whole life as a housewife. She did work a bit at the end, but she never made much money. I think the best job she had was paralegal and she was actually fired from that job I believe, the only job she was ever fired from. Office politics was the reason.

Three others are in their 50’s with IQ’s ranging from 140-147.

One never made more than $20,000 in their life. They have a variety of degrees – four the last I checked. Like the person below, they have a Masters Degree. This person works very little due to illness and lives off their savings. Prior to becoming ill, they worked or were in school the whole time. They had some decent jobs for a while there, but they really only worked full-time for 10-15 years. The rest of the time, they were in school.

The other worked at working class jobs their whole life and only obtained a university degree very late in life. They now have a BA and an MA. Sadly, very soon after they got that degree, they developed a very bad injury and were disabled. This person is presently collecting Disability, but they worked or were in school most of their life and they are in their 50’s. They never made any real money though.

The other made money at one time, but he is very mentally ill. He has Bipolar Disorder since age 21 or so, and as a result, he is manic most of the time. The drugs do not control his illness well and he is always symptomatic. His mania has been of the psychotic type very early on and if you did not know better, you would think he had schizophrenia. That is because he has delusions that are very schizophrenic-like. For instance, he gets messages from the TV. The weatherman might say, “It is going to rain tomorrow,” and that is actually a secret message telling him to go the store and buy a pack of cigarettes. Which he must do and promptly does.

He has been hospitalized over and over. I recently took a trip with him and it was a nightmare. It’s a good thing the trip ended when it did because if it went on much longer, I would have had to kill the guy. And like many schizophrenics, he never completely abandons his delusions. He still believes that the Objectivists are out to get him and they chase him on the road sometimes. He still believes that he is in fact Jesus Christ. In 1980, the DSM changed and a lot of people who had been called schizophrenic were thrown over to mood disorder, mostly to Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression.

Another was afflicted with Major Depression at a very early age of around 19 or so. They were pulled out of university, but later they went back and got a BA. They soon got on Disability after long being afflicted with Major Depression. They have had the diagnosis ever since and have never worked a real job except for one minor job as a s teenager. They did come out of the illness once when put on a certain drug. The illness lifted and they were able to get a good job at the Welfare Department of a large city. They soon got in trouble at the job and were fired after four months. This of course spun them back into a serious depression that they have been in ever since. Except for four months out of their life, this person has never made any money at all.

All five of these people are very smart,  but most of them have hardly made a nickel in their lives. But note that four of them have some sort of injury or illness preventing them from doing much work, and three actually collect Disability. Surely physical and  mental handicaps can seriously get in the way of achievement for very high IQ people. It certainly stands to reason.

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