Gardening Magazine

Insect Pests to Look Out for in Your Central Florida Yard

By Shurby
Insect Pests to Look Out for in Your Central Florida Yard

However, like people, pleasant weather encourages destructive lawn and garden bugs to be more active - and, therefore, more likely to do serious damage. Here is our list of the most common pests to look out for, and how to prevent them from ruining your lawn.

Chinch Bugs - Small, but Deadly to Lawns

Chinch bugs hide in between the sheaths of the leaf blades and in the thatch layer in the turf. Damaged areas appear as yellow to brown patches. The center of these areas may be dead and bare. As not all brown grass indicates a chinch bug infestation, University of Florida IFAS Gardening Solutions recommends inspecting the border between the brown and green grass for the tiny, black-and-white adults or orange nymphs.

Injury typically occurs first in grass that's water-stressed or in full sun, so making sure your lawn gets adequate irrigation is essential. Our blog post - " How to Water Your Central Florida Lawn " - covers this topic in detail. LawnStarter recommends removing excessive thatch as the best way to prevent chinch bugs from establishing themselves. For winter, overseed your lawn with a grass seed resistant to chinch bug damage. Use pesticides only as a last resort, as they can kill beneficial insects - such as big-eyed bugs (yes, this is the name) and ground beetles - that eat chinch bugs.

Cutworms - Cutting Their Way Through Your Lawn

Cutworms are 2-inch long caterpillars that chew on turfgrass near the soil surface. During the day, cutworms hide in the lawn's thatch layer. They come out at night to dine on the grass, and are most active during the spring and early summer.

Signs of infestation include circular patches of dead grass with small burrow holes (like ball marks on putting greens). Cutworm damage is most noticeable on grass less than ½-inch tall. Also look for birds, armadillos, raccoons and skunks on your lawn hunting for them.

The best prevention method is thatch removal. To treat an infestation, natural control agents include Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki - A bacterium that produces a toxin that paralyzes the caterpillar's gut and stops it from feeding. There's also Steinernema carpocapsae - a nematode that penetrates the cutworm. It introduces a bacterium and causes an infection inside the host. Nematodes are sold online and in garden centers.

Chemical insecticides that target cutworms are another option. When choosing a pesticide, consider information relating to air and water quality, resistance management, and the pesticide's properties and application timing. Always read the product label, and follow application instructions.

Fall Armyworms - On the March to Destroy Your Central Florida Lawn

As with chinch bugs, avoid treating with pesticides, as you'll kill their natural predators. To attract their natural predators, plant nectar-producing flower plants that draw ladybugs, parasitic wasps, lacewings and minute pirate bugs. Introduce beneficial nematodes like Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora . Apply Bacillus thuringiensis , a bacterium that kills armyworms in their larval stage.

Mole Crickets - Disturbing in Appearance; Destructive in Action

This lawn pest looks like a small-scale movie monster - an unnerving cross between a mole and a cricket. They are uniformly brown, and adults are about 1 ½ inches long. They have large front legs for digging, which look similar to mole paws. They're a serious pest notorious for tunneling through lawns and causing major damage to grass. Mole crickets are active throughout the year but become more prevalent in Florida during the winter, due to their preference for moist soil. They can damage any grass, but prefer St. Augustine, Bahia and Bermuda grass.

  • Brown spots of dead or dying grass.
  • Small mounds of brown soil.
  • Armadillos and birds on your lawn hunting for food.

Like actual moles, mole crickets are nocturnal, so look for them in the evening. If you don't want to wait, perform the soapy water test described above to see if they emerge. They are best controlled by maintaining a healthy lawn, and such biological means as parasitic nematodes. The nematode species Steinernema scapterisci infiltrates the mole cricket's body, then reproduces and releases a bacterium that kills the insect.

Sod Webworms - Tearing Through Your Central Florida Lawn

  • Piles of bright green droppings.
  • Thinning grass and brown patches.
  • Ragged grass blades, shorter than the nearby grass.
  • Grass blades are notched as if sections have been chewed off.
  • The lawn has webs of grass, feces, and other debris. Caterpillars make them to prepare their cocoons.

If you're noticing a pattern here, proper lawn maintenance is the best way to prevent sod webworms from establishing themselves. Another pattern - natural treatment is best! Bacterial-based insecticides Bacillus thuringiensis var. and help control sod webworms without harming beneficial organisms. If the infestation is severe, apply a pesticide labeled for caterpillar control.

White Grubs - From Ancient Egypt to Modern Florida Lawn Pest

Although it sounds like a single insect species, white grub is actually a general term for all scarab beetle larvae. Despite the mystical legends of ancient Egypt the scarab beetle may invoke, its larvae is an everyday lawn pest here in Central Florida. They feed on the roots of all turfgrass species, and live at or just below the soil-thatch interface. White grubs rest in a curled C-shape and are about ½ to 2 inches long.

Because any one of many beetle species could be responsible, treating them yourself runs the risk of failure. Even if you favor natural remedies, calling in a licensed pest control professional may be the best option. Again, conscientious lawn maintenance can go a long way in preventing white grubs from taking up residence.

Fire Ants - A Menace to People and Pets

Last, but certainly not least, are fire ants. Although they don't feed on plants, they're a serious pest in Central Florida lawns. As University of Florida IFAS Extension so eloquently puts it, "Fire ants are notorious for their painful, burning stings that result in pustules and intense itching, which can persist for up to ten days. If the pustules are broken, infections may occur. Some people even have allergic reactions to fire ant stings. Besides attacking humans, fire ants also sting pets, livestock, and wildlife.

"Native to South America, fire ants are considered an invasive species in the United States. These aggressive insects are reddish-brown to black and from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch long."

The Take-Home Message

We hope you got the message that proper, consistent lawn maintenance is the ounce of prevention worth the pound of cure. Of course, we also know that there are many reasons why you may not be able to perform all the chores necessary to make your property attractive to you - and your neighbors - and unattractive to lawn pests. That's what we're here for! Our experienced professionals at Daniel's Lawn Service & Pressure Washing specialize in lawn maintenance - as well as landscaping, landscape design, tree services, tree stump removal, pressure washing, and more. Visit our website to learn about our services and so we can do the work and you can do the enjoying!

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