Lifestyle Magazine

Infuse These Smart Appliances For A Smarter Kitchen!

By Ashik Gosaliya

The kitchen, being the hub of almost every household must always be equipped with smart appliances that can make your cooking process not only quick but also healthy.

In this high-tech era, latest technology appliances have become our necessity, so while buying kitchen appliances make sure you choose the best and the latest. There are thousands of kitchen appliances available in the market, make sure you buy from a reliable retailer.

Lazada should be your ultimate shopping destination online as the portal is known for offering finest range of latest and high-tech kitchen appliances to you at rates you’ve never imagined. Be it food processor, juicer, cooktop or any other appliances, you get everything over here.

Take a glance at the latest smart kitchen appliances that you must be infusing into your kitchen-

Wi-Fi Enabled Smart Water Pitcher!

Infuse These Smart Appliances For A Smarter Kitchen!

Purity is something you must attain always especially when it comes to drinking water. Get your kitchen a Wi-Fi enabled smart water pitcher that checks filter quality, track its usage and orders replacement of filters automatically. Th main aim of this smart little water pitcher is to make sure you drink safe, fresh and delicious water at home.

Made of BPA-free plastic, the water pitcher comes with a dual screen ion and carbon-exchange-resin activated filters that reduce bad taste, contaminants, and odors of zinc, mercury, copper, cadmium, and chlorine.

The smart water pitcher is ideal for those who are very particular about drinking clean and safe water. This smart appliance can prove to be the most convenient partner for your kitchen as it orders for the new filter automatically when it finds that the current one cannot be used further. And thus, it ensures healthy, clean drinking water every day.

Precision Cooker!

Infuse These Smart Appliances For A Smarter Kitchen!

Nowadays, cooking is about all new concepts that let you prepare food smartly and effortlessly. For a smarter cooking and professional result, buy this really amazing smart kitchen gadget, the Precision cooker that ensures consistent temperatures in the cooking pot.

Wi-Fi & Bluetooth connectivity is the best feature of this absolutely smart, high-tech precision cooker that allows you schedule the cooking time as per your requirement with your phone so that when you get back home from the office you get a perfectly cooked food.

  • Holds food at precise temperature
  • Apply gentle heat setting for slow cooking
  • Control cooking setting on just one click of the button
  • Can be cleaned in dishwasher

AirFryer! Healthy Fryer!

Infuse These Smart Appliances For A Smarter Kitchen!

Nowadays, most of the small kitchen appliances are often invented combining convenience with healthy eating. Airfryers are among those healthy and most convenient kitchen appliance that not ensure easy cooking but also ensures healthy cooking.

Now frying food items with about 80% less fat is made possible with these Airfryers. Get perfectly cooked, crispy fries, cutlets, samosas and many other fried food items in no time and that without using much oil. Whether it is frying, roasting vegetables, grilling, and baking, these air fryers will do everything.

Furthermore, the speedy cooking features instant heat up, cook food from all sides and prepare a perfectly cooked fried food for you in no time.

Soup Maker!

Infuse These Smart Appliances For A Smarter Kitchen!

Yet another smart appliance you must buy for your kitchen is soup maker. It is a multi-functional kitchen appliance which can mix, cook and saute the ingredients together and prepare a customized soup according to your taste buds.

Few soup makers are equipped with the functionality of making smoothies for you. while buying a soup maker, make sure you purchase a non-stick model because it can save time on maintenance and washing.

So all the smart homemakers, start buying these smart kitchen appliances to transform your kitchen into a smart kitchen.

Also, while buying these appliances make you avail Lazada voucher codes in order to make huge savings.

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