Gardening Magazine

Indoor Gardening with Pinterest

By Tuckshopgardener @tuckshopgardenr
Within my own Apple product-besotted family, I am renowned as something of a luddite.  It has come as a surprise to all (including me) that since I've started blogging, I've started joining bits of the virtual puzzle together via Facebook, Twitter, and now... Pinterest.  Except that Pinterest is the most fun because it's all about bookmarking things you like via images.  It's a really useful way to re-find great ideas which you spot on various trawls through the internet,  but always struggle to locate when you want to show them to someone else, two months later.
Also, quite by accident, I've found Pinterest to be a virtual way of seeing which flowers people really seem to go for.  Every day my email gives me multiple messages saying that people have re-pinned pictures of  Tithonia rotundifolia ' Torch', Cleome hassleriana 'Helen Campbell' and Campanula glomerata var. 'Superba' into their own scrapbooks.  A great indicator of which blooms might have impact on a cut flower stall  (not sure if the campanula will cut well, but the other two certainly will), so have ordered seeds of cleome and tithonia on the strength of this very positive response!
The internet is like browsing seed catalogues, gardening, craft and DIY books all in one place.  It's a great time fritterer, but sometimes the minutes or hours spent plotting, dreaming and scheming about gardening do come to life in the off-line world.  While it is gray and still too wet underfoot to garden, I'm harvesting ideas and using Pinterest as my store cupboard for this season's dreams.
If you haven't visited yet, take a peek at my scrapbook here:
or better still, start making your own!

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