Destinations Magazine

Indiana Blogs: 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Indiana Blogs: 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs

Indiana Blogs: 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs

3 Kids and Lots of Pigs is an Indiana blog that makes you feel like a part of the family, a busy farming family. Rolling in wheat, soybeans, corn, and pigs, there’s always something going on!

Reading this blog draws you into the action! When she’s not working at her day job or pitching in on the farm, you can find her with her kids–or in the kitchen!

Indiana Blogs: 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs

Why did you start 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs?
I started blogging at 3 kids and lots of pigs in April 2010. I was encouraged by some friends to start blogging as a way to tell the story of my family’s farm.

In the beginning I was quite apprehensive as I didn’t know if blogging was for me, but I must admit that I quickly became addicted. I found that it was a great outlet for me to share parts of my life with others and hopefully educate others about agriculture.

Pigs…does this mean you are a pig farmer? What do you think non-farmers would find most surprising about life on a pig farm?
You guessed it. We are pig farmers. My husband and I farm with my husband’s parents. My husband is the 4th generation of his family to raise pigs, corn, and soybeans in our county. We are quite proud to be farmers and couldn’t imagine being anything else; however, it can be challenging at times.

The care of our pigs always come first so whether it is a holiday or not; we always make sure our pigs are cared for first. We wouldn’t change it for anything but there is no such thing as a typical day around here. This often makes planning in advance a little difficult at times, but we make it work and love our life and besides, pigs don’t really smell that bad and when they do, we call it the smell of money.

What are three of your most favorite posts (with links, please!)
My  aunt was recently diagnosed with leukemia and I was struggling with how to blog about this time in our lives. I was quite proud of what I ended up with which was a tribute to my 4 aunts.

We love to bake and cook at our pig pen. In fact, my 8 year old daughter has started her own cooking show on my blog called “Cooking with an 8 year old.” She never ceases to amaze me.Since our family farm is a big part of my life, I really enjoy being able to explain why we do certain things on our family farm. This winter I shared about one our first time mom’s on the farm on how we tried to assist her during labor much like the nurses do for women in the hospital.

What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
Ultimately it is my children. I truly feel that everything I do in my life is so that my children have a great childhood full of wonderful experiences and memories and that if they choose to be involved in agriculture someday in the future that our family farm will be a valid option for them. One step at a time, I hope my blog is helping make this possible.

Plus, my blog has become like our living and breathing family scrapbook that will help them remember their childhoods and serve as a family cookbook someday. Additionally, I have found a great network of fellow women through my blog and I love keeping up with each of them.

Besides pigs, I see you’re the founder of The Real Farmwives of America and Friends. Tell us all about it!
My family farm and agriculture in general were the reason I started blogging; however, when I first starting blogging I knew I had to blog about more than just the farm if I wanted people to connect with me and believe me when I talked about the farm. This led to me starting my Farmer Fridays feature on 3 kids and lots of pigs. I decided that although I would talk about life on the farm throughout my blog, Fridays would be dedicated to the farm.

One thing lead to another and the next thing I knew I was helping coordinate a group of my friends into what would be known as The Real Farmwives of America and Friends. The Real Farmwives of America and Friends is a group of women across the United States that offers a glimpse inside the world of growing up and living on the family farm. These women are farm girls, farmwives, moms, daughters, and aunts. Most importantly they are friends that have the bond of the farm among other things.

On each of their individual blogs they tell you about their hectic yet amazing lives both on and off the farm. Each of their individual blog posts feed to our Facebook page. Additionally, we have our own website where each day has a theme: Mondays are “In the Home and Garden”; Tuesdays are “In the Kitchen”; Wednesdays are “Wordless Wednesday”; Thursdays are “Recipe Recap”; Fridays are “Farmer Fridays”; and Saturday and Sunday are “Weekends for the Soul.”

The intent is that The Real Farmwives of America and Friends will be a place for people to connect with the people that raise their food which is why a big part of our website deals with recipes and being in the kitchen.

We hope to be a resource network for those that want to know more about how their food is raised. Additionally, it has become a great network for our women.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?
To be in more than one place at a time. I work full-time off our family farm and my job often requires me to travel so I have missed some things at home that I wish I hadn’t. Plus, I can already tell as our kids get older it is only going to be harder and harder to get them everywhere they need to be and still keep some sanity at our pigpen.

Anything else that my readers should know?
Being a farmer is the greatest thing in the world and a big part of my life, but I promise if you follow along my adventures will take you anywhere from the highs and lows of being a full-time working mom to yummy recipes, to life on the farm.

Down On The Farm

A big thank you to Heather for sharing her busy, very full life and pig-filled world with us today. Thanks for stopping by little Indiana!

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