Debate Magazine

Incest: The Unspeakable Crime in Pakistan

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Incest: The Unspeakable crime in PakistanOriginally posted on The Human Lens:

Every night he came to her, the pain was so intense that Rabia felt she would die; still he would not spare her even for one night. She hated and loved him both. In the death of the night, as her mother and other siblings enjoyed a dreamless sleep, Rabia’s heart would beat faster, waiting for those silent foot steps, each foot step he would take made her heart grow heavy and heavy and eventually he would be standing near her bed. Paralyzed beyond pain like a corpse, Rabia with the course of years had stopped making any noise. Her body would shake with the silent sobs, long hours after her father Amir left her bed satisfying his lust.

Rabia was only six (6) years old when her father started this “strange behavior” with her – her innocent mind could not understand the gravity of the abuse, just that she…

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