Hair & Beauty Magazine

Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review

By Jhilmil D Saha @jhilmildsaha
I have mentioned about using antioxidant products together for my skin care. Today I will be reviewing the Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub.
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
About Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub:It is an invigorating wash that exfoliates dead skin cells, ensures cell renewal, helps to remove excess oil, unclogs pores, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. Its special formula helps to reduce water loss and reconditions the skin. It contains Pomegranate (a remedy for the skin damaged due to sun exposure, promotes healthy blood circulation), Tamarind (exfoliates dead skin, treats burns and prevents edema), Orange Peel (reduces oiliness and suntan) and Manjishtha (pacifies the reactivity of toxins in the body and exfoliates dead skin). It can be used from once in a week for extremely sensitive skin to 3-4 times a week for thick greasy skin). Massage gently over wet skin, concentrating on rough spots like nose tip and forehead and then wash off for a thoroughly cleansed skin.
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Price: Rs.265 Available hereInatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Packaging: Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub comes in a reddish pink tube with a white flip-open cover.
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Product: The scrub is red in color with beads for exfoliation
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
My Experience: Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub is a truly wonderful scrub with the goodness of pomegranate in it. It makes skin so tight and smooth with just one use. It works great to smotohen and improve the complexion. The pores look much refined with regular use(twice a week) and the blackheads and whiteheads are cleared, leaving the skin glowing and youthful.
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub is a must-have scrub for those who really want to revive skin and improve complexion. It removes dullness by sloughing away dear skin cells. Moreover the granules are not harsh. 
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Pros:1. Improves skintone2. Nt harsh to skin3. Brightens complexion4. Reduces pores5. Makes dull skin brighter6. Smells good7. Nice packaging8.Decent price
Cons: 1.Nothing
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub is one of the best scrubs I have used. I strongly recommend it to all those who want to revive their complexion.
Inatur Herbals Pomegranate Scrub Review

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