Travel Magazine

If Only My Home Were This Neat Every Day…

By Marney @marmiscellany
You could definitely eat off this dining room table.

You could definitely eat off this dining room table.

My home never looks this good when my family and I are in it. This is what our dining room recently looked like after getting our house ready for a short non-simultaneous home exchange. We are using their home later in the summer, but we had someplace to go when they wanted to stay in our house, so it worked out.

Usually, the table is doubling as a desk. While I do have a nice home office to work in, sometimes in the afternoon, the sun is too bright, so I move down here, covering one side of the table with my papers.  The window seat often has a bag or two piled on it, and the chairs often double as coat racks.

When I see the room looking this, I remember what it is I love about the space, what its charm is beyond the scattered items of daily life that sometimes hide its features.

I love the leaded glass, woodwork, and window seat. Almost every item in the room has some memory attached to it. The table, the first table we ever bought. The chairs, which were all the same color when we bought them, but a then nine-year-old neighbor girl, (now almost through college) charged me $5 to help paint them different colors. I purchased the rug in Krakow, Poland, and then carried it, wrapped in brown paper, with me on a trip through Ukraine. Ruby, when she was still in elementary school, made the now-fading tissue paper flowers that hang above prints bought in New Mexico and here in Portland.

If only it always looked like this…

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