Politics Magazine


Posted on the 03 October 2018 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

Here’s how messed up “America first” is.As we’re forced to try to protect ourselves from a drunken, sexually abusive Supreme Court nominee, Indonesia is trying to recover from an earthquake and tsunami that have killed at least 1,400 people.Of course, it’s “America first.”The powers that be want us to buy their narrative that we only are important, the chosen ones.You don’t even have to be non-American to be excluded.Just ask the people of Puerto Rico.No, it is far more important to railroad through an anti-abortion judge so we can cause misery to countless numbers of people in America first.Natural disasters strike even here (Florence), and we can only glance away a moment from the constant drama being roiled in that ever bubbling swamp.I thought it was supposed to be drained by now.They did find some slimy choices for high offices, in any case.

This new form of Manifest Destiny is as bad as the old one was.People are suffering from a terrible tragedy and our lips are chapped from calling our senators to try to get them not to vote for someone a vast majority of normal citizens find highly objectionable.The Republican abuse of power is only overshadowed by its abuse of women.When even Kellyanne Conway speaks out stating that we need to listen to the victims, it’s clear something is amiss.How slowly they awaken, these creatures of the swamp.“America first” looked like a party game for a while, but now that its true and ugly agenda is being shown those who climbed aboard that bus aren’t quite sure how to signal that they want off.


What of Indonesia?What of a president who can’t even point to it on a map?It’s not here, so it’s not our problem.Nice drunken frat boys who feel up women are the best we can offer for the highest court in the land.Elsewhere in the world they’re trying to address the global warming that is causing more and more extreme weather.We can charge tariffs and still call ourselves Republican.If we can’t start actual wars we’ll start trade wars.You can’t be great until others bow before you, even if they’re bowed in grief for a natural disaster that claimed hundreds of lives.We’ll make America first even if we have to fall into last place to do it.

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