Hair & Beauty Magazine

I Returned to Work... but i Have No Small Print Disclaimer.

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
I have been reading a few blogs in the last few weeks on the topic of mothers returning to work. I can always relate with the missing of kids and the sudden enjoyment of mundane everyday chores on hindsight. One thing though that always lingered at the back of my mind was: the reason many mothers return to work.
I don't know if it's that nasty Mother's Guilt at play once again.. but many times, I hear mothers say: I didn't want to go back to work but I had to due to circumstances. And I miss my kids. I didn't want to do this.
I believe it's a genuine case for many mothers. And I can definitely empathize with that heartbreaking feeling of leaving our kids behind for lack of any other choice. I have had to do that before in the past.
The topic of mothers returning to work has deeply interested me in the last few weeks since I myself have taken a more significant step to returning to work.
But I just want to say... I have returned to work because... I want to. Because I wanted to indulge in my self. My own dreams. My own passions.  My own ambitions.
Is that selfish?
It makes me nervous to say that because I haven't actually heard many mums say that. Maybe for fear of judgment from fellow mums and being at the mercy of "don't you know your kids need you?!"  lectures.
Well, I believe my kids need me. And at barely 2 years old, I do not currently feel comfortable leave my baby at daycare every day.
But this is what I believe.
I believe that it is up to myself to make a balanced arrangement, as best as I can with whatever I have.
I believe I can be a mother and still look after myself.
I do not believe condemnation for being selfish should be endowed upon a mother who chooses to even dare to indulge in herself for a second (much less have the silly guts to announce it).
Afterall, this is also what I believe:
These days, I wake up and jump out of bed with a sense of purpose and passion. I have so much more energy despite feeling physically tired at times, but you know what I mean.
And for that, I think I am actually a better parent.
I actually do more things in a comparatively lesser amount of time just because I'm filled with purpose and passion as I have allowed myself to indulge in my interest. I actually set aside more quality time with the baby when I take breaks from work compared to when I had a whole quantity of time with her in the past.
This is not to say that my kids failed to fill me with a sense of purpose and passion when my main title was a stay home mom. This is to say that I, as a person, have more to myself than being a mom. I have needs, passions, ambitions that step outside of motherhood. Motherhood gives me things so unique that I can't find elsewhere. But I am not only a mother. Now that my other needs are fulfilled, I feel more alive than ever.
So I am here to say, I have returned to work... but I have no small print disclaimer saying "only because I have to; I would never leave my child willingly". I have returned to work because I actually want to and I believe I can and I believe I should, for my self.
Linking up with Essentially Jess on this pensive Tuesday :)

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