Debate Magazine

Humourless Twats of the Week

Posted on the 29 March 2022 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

Will Smith.
They should have chucked him out there and then and given his Oscar to one of the other nominees. What's even more vomit-inducing is that when Chris Rock made his joke, Will Smith initially laughed along. If his wife doesn't appreciate alopecia jokes, that's hair loss not mine.
Nobody goes to ASDA to buy Waitrose products. TESCO also have a line called Tesco Essentials.
Vlad Putin
I happened to have the telly on when Biden did his speech. It was everything short of a declaration of war. Clearly, Biden - along with half the civilised world - would vastly prefer it if Putin disappeared or were disappeared, by fair means or foul, and he said so. Mad Vlad apparently got all offended and various White House spokespersons (and sadly Big Joe himself) have been backtracking ever since. Trump would have just said it and then denied that he'd said it. And we can all move on with our lives (unsure of what Trump actually meant).
Sod that. Mad Vlad has made it perfectly clear that he'd like to get rid of Zelensky and appoint his own puppet President in Ukraine like he did until 2014. Did Zelensky throw a hissy fit and demand an apology? Nope, what would be the point? He's too busy persuading the West to send military and humanitarian aid. If Mad Vlad said that he'd prefer it if Donald Trump were still US President, would Biden throw a hissy fit and demand an apology? I doubt it. He wouldn't get one, for a start.

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