Politics Magazine

How To Tell If a Woman Is a Lesbian

Posted on the 28 October 2014 by Calvinthedog

Hey Robert, can you elaborate on identifying lesbians? Perhaps the vibe? I dated one for a month and something felt off then it hit me like a truck. She wasn’t open about it but it was small clues like her being called Steph instead of Stephanie. She was also a big tease to guys but had a really close female friend. I was still surprised how long it took me to catch on

I went to a liberal arts college that was known for lesbians, and many of them were downright mean. With the exception of one girl, I’ve yet to meet a lesbian who didn’t have an attitude for no apparent reason.

Why is a lez a cocktease? Makes no sense. One thing lesbians are not is cockteases.

Lesbians can often but not always be identified. The stereotypical lesbian is not necessarily a cold or hard woman, but when dealing with a straight man face to face, she often gives off a vibe like a sheer rock or brick wall of hate, ice or coldness. It’s a wall. You are talking to a wall of frozen ice and hate. Even if they are friendly, there is still that wall of icy frozenness that says, “I don’t like you that way.”

I met a somewhat famous lesbian recently at a talk she gave at my church. She wrote a book about her life of course, she started out loving dick, screwing men and being a stripper and a whore before she saw the light and became a dyke. I think it was a political statement. She is also active in the Women’s Studies Department at the local universities.

Most Women’s Studies Departments are downright dykefests. I went up to talk to her after the show and she was there with her lez girlfriend. There was a gay man who I am friends with there and of course he and the lezzes were getting on famously. I walked into this midst and it was like someone dropped a concrete block on the party. Her face went stony and she didn’t want to talk. I got the message and took off. It’s not that they don’t like men. They don’t like straight men. Gay men are just fine. Why do they hate straight men? Because we want to fuck them. Why do they like gay men. Because those guys don’t want to fuck them. This stuff is is not that complicated.

Lesbians can be extremely friendly to gay men. In fact, I think it is a horrible omen when a lesbian gushes all over me. I went to work at this editorial office in Beverly Hills once that was full of gay and bi men. There was one woman there who was apparently a lez. She gushed all over me when she first met me and treated me like her pet poodle. I was like, “Oh no, she has the wrong idea. Here we go again.” I set about trying to put out the “Look I am straight dammit,” vibe and after a while she turned really cold and weird, and her attitude was, “Fuck off pig scum.” I thought, “Good I am doing something right. The dyke hates me.”

A lesbian with a business often has her girlfriend working in the same place with her. If she is an older woman, she might have a young woman girl-toy in there with her. Or it might be an older lez like her. You pick up the vibe real quick, ok, we have two dykes here, gf and gf, I get it. They are also both rather coldish. Their faces look hard and stony.

I have met a few lesbians who did not come off like this, and they came off as friendly.

Some of the lez who seem friendly towards straight guys may not be all that lez. One I knew told me she was lez and was in a relationship with a woman but she had moved her recently and I met her as soon as she moved her and she was talking really dirty to my friend, “So do you like shaved cats?” like that, basically saying fuck me.

Why in God’s name did this lesbian date you? She is a lez, why is she dating a man?

Lesbians are repulsed by men. A lot of them hate our guts and that is frankly the whole reason why they are lez, bad experiences towards men. A lot of others got into radical feminism and are for all intents and purposes “political lesbians” as their lez thing is all about radical feminism. Many lesbians find male bodies physically repulsive. They want to vomit when they think of cock. The thought of a man’s hairy balls is sickening. A typical lesbian’s attitude about dick is, “Ewwwwwww dick. Stay away from that, it’s disgusting.” I know this because I have talked to some lesbians, and also I have seen online comments by them and videos by them where they make these statements.

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