Fashion Magazine

How to Make Order in Your Wardrobe

By Attireclub @attireclub

How to make order in your wardrobeEvery once in a while, every man should make some order in his wardrobe. There is not much of a point to owning a lot of things if they are not easily accessible or ready to be worn when you need them.

A well-organized closet is a time saver, a money saver and a great way to maximize your sartorial purchases.

De-cluttering your wardrobe might be hard, which is why we have come up with 5 simple steps that will help you make order in your wardrobe. Read on for tips on how to make the best of your clothes when you are not having them on...

How to make order in your wardrobe
Some people are able to take the clothes that are not a match for the season out of their closets and store them in another closet or armoire. This is a great idea, but if you put it in practice, make sure you store your garments properly. If you cannot do this; in case your wardrobe allows you; place your clothes on different rows or in a clear dual system and separate your spring-summer clothes from your fall-winter clothes. This is something that anyone can easily do.

How to make order in your wardrobe
To get a focused and very sharp overlook of your wardrobe, you need to organize your clothes by type and layer. Figure out a system that works for you and stick to it. For example, you can organize your clothes from left to right, left being the layer closest to your body, while the clothes that are worn the furthest from your body will come on the right. This way, you will have your underwear, socks, undershirts, etc. on the left and your shirts, pants and suits on the right. Organizing your wardrobe according to such a system will also help you choose your items more rapidly. For example, if you know you will be going to a gala, you will be able to pick a suit with your eyes closed (figuratively speaking, of course).

How to make order in your wardrobe
Go through your wardrobe and toss out the items you have not worn in a while. If something you don't wear has an emotional value and you want to keep it, you can frame it. Framing clothes is a great way to keep garments you no longer wear. But, if we are talking about the clothes you wear, if you have not worn something in two years (some people say one), it needs to go. The only exceptions are items that are very special and that are normal to be worn only once in a while.

Also, if something doesn't fit you anymore, it most likely needs to go.

However, if, for example you have lost a lot of weight and have many clothes that are too big for you, you can get them to a tailor and have them adjusted to your current size. If you are bigger than some of your clothes, altering them to make them bigger might turn out to be more expensive than buying new ones, so it is recommended to throw them. Consult with a tailor in advance, maybe in some parts of the world, altering clothes from small to big is cheaper than buying new ones, you never know!

Some people fall in the category of people who need two wardrobes. A lot of men from all over the world have bodies that constantly fluctuate in size. In this case, you should separate the clothes in size A from the clothes in size B. Otherwise; you will always get tired dressing up.

How to make order in your wardrobe
If you have things in your wardrobe you received, but never worn, if you bought something you thought looked amazing at the time, but once you got home you felt bad walking out of the house wearing it, it might be time for that item to go.

But don't beat yourself up too much: as we evolve, so does our style, so not liking something you bought back a few years ago is natural.

If you want to throw out everything you don't like anymore, make a pile first of the things in this category. Let it sit for a while and come back to it later - maybe you will rediscover and item and will be happy you haven't thrown it.

If an item is broken in any way, from hanging strings to holes in shoe soles, you should either fix it or throw it out. If you can't get yourself to fix it rapidly, are you sure you will be fixing it later?

Additional information

The clothes you no longer need should necessarily go in the dumpster. Many towns have charities or clothes-dumping boxes on the streets that allow you to drop your clothes. This way, someone who needs clothes but cannot afford to buy any can enjoy them. You can also sell them at a second hand shop, but you are probably not going to make much of them. If you have some very high-end designer pieces you no longer wear, you might be able to sell them to specialized stores, but don't expect to get more than 50% of what you initially paid for them, even if you wore them only once.

Alternatively, if you have clothes that have holes in them or that are too bad to be donated, you can turn them into rags or use them to make beddings for your pet.

Keeping your wardrobe organized will make you more focused and this will reflect in your attitude and in your way of doing other things as well.

Now that you have these, tips, you can make the best of your clothes, you will be able to scan your closet rapidly and see if there is a department you need to complete and you will have a great go to wardrobe.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

12 items a man should have in a basic wardrobeHow to create a versatile wardrobeThe 5 categories of clothes you should have in your wardrobeA guide to creating a lasting and money-saving wardrobe

P.S. How do you keep your wardrobe in order? What tips can you share? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!

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