Books Magazine

How To Install A Bamboo Reed Fence

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

How To Install A Bamboo Reed Fence - Bamboo reed fence comes with long rolls which can be applied to your fence. This is an economical way to hide the ugly of old fence or provide more privacy to the wire fence. It is Important to have a stable structure when installing a bamboo reed fence So that it can defy all weather.

How To Install A Bamboo Reed Fence

Some important steps should be taken when connecting a bamboo reed fence to an existing fence. Measure the existing fence and determine many rolls or pieces of bamboo reed fence is needed. Determine the strength of your existing fence and locate the horizontal support beams on top and bottom. You can attach the bamboo fence. Cut 8- to 10-inch pieces of galvanized wire using the wire cutters; you will use this cable to attach the bamboo fence to your existing structure.

Begin attaching bamboo reed fence to your first fencepost with galvanized wood tree. See to both ends of galvanized wire through the existing thread on your bamboo reed fence and then wrap it around the fencepost on no visible side. Roll your bamboo reed fence to the next fence post and then go back and fix that was 4 to 6 inches of the top, bottom and middle Until You Reach the next fence post. Use Same Technique with your pliers and use on fence posts to secure and support the beams. Continue to roll your bamboo fence and connect it to your existing fence until you reach the end. Make sure to bamboo reed fence is bothering safe and straight.

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