Fashion Magazine

How to Go Monochromatic for Fall

By Cefashion @cefashion

Wearing one color head to toe is a very flattering concept. You look taller and leaner, streamlining your appearance. So how can you take one color dressing from blasé to chic? Follow our do’s and don’ts and you can’t go wrong!

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Do introduce another color with fun and interesting accessories to add a touch of pizzaz. Try a fun statement bag or an interesting pair of shoes. This is a great time to focus on the details, as the single color will act as a great canvas to really make them stand out!

Don’t introduce a whole rainbow of colors in your accessories. Not only does that take away from the monochromatic concept, it also takes away from you!

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Do play with different shades. No reason to go too matchy-matchy, play up light and dark shades in the same family. Try jewel tones and pastels or rich and soft neutrals.

Don’t get colors that are close together but not exact. While you can wear head to toe in the exact same shade and look like you stepped out of a magazine, you can’t really achieve that effect with colors that look similar but aren’t the same. It just gives the impression that you tried too hard to make it work, but probably didn’t. Think of a suit you bought separately- while the pants may be navy and the jacket might also be navy, each designer plays with a slightly different shade so pairing two different pieces together isn’t a great idea.

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Do concentrate on fit. The slimming concept is lost if your garments are ill-fitting. We’re not suggesting it needs to be tight, just that fit you perfectly.

Don’t worry so much about what everyone else is wearing, wear what looks good on you!

How to Go Monochromatic for Fall
How to Go Monochromatic for Fall

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