Hair & Beauty Magazine

How To Get Over A Breakup Fast

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Breaking up is tough. It feels like a rollercoaster of emotions, from denial to acceptance. You might feel lost, but understand this: you're not alone in wanting to heal your heart fast.

Healing starts with knowing the stages of grief after a breakup-denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. Each person heals differently and at their own pace.

The journey to feeling better includes allowing yourself to grieve and surrounding yourself with people who care about you. Keeping busy helps, too. Think about starting new hobbies or making plans that give your days purpose again.

To move forward, cutting off contact with your ex and releasing any negative feelings tied to them might be necessary. Open up space in your life for positive relationships and experiences that focus on making you happy.

Ready for more tips on getting over a breakup fast? Keep reading.

Understanding the Stages of Grief After a Breakup

When you break up, your heart goes on a roller coaster. First, you might not want to believe it's over and then get mad.


You might find yourself thinking, "This can't be happening." That's denial kicking in. It acts like a shield, keeping the full impact of your breakup at bay. You may wake up hoping it was all just a bad dream and expect messages from them as if nothing had changed.

This stage makes accepting the loss tough because part of you still hopes that things will return to normal.

Yet, facing day-to-day life feels overwhelming without them. Everything reminds you of what you've lost, making reality hard to face. It's like walking through fog-you know you must move forward but can't see where you're going.

Denial might seem endless, but it's a step toward healing after losing someone who was once a big part of your life.


Feeling angry after a breakup is normal. It's the second stage of grief, and it shows you're starting to face the reality of your loss. You might feel mad at your ex or even yourself.

This anger can feel strong and confusing, but it's a step towards healing. It's okay to let this anger out in healthy ways, like talking to friends, writing in a journal, or doing sports.

Your feelings are part of moving on. Accepting that you're angry doesn't mean you're stuck here forever. It means you're working through something tough. So give yourself time and be patient with your heart as it heals from this breakup.


After feeling angry, your mind might try to find ways to deal with this loss. Bargaining is like making deals in your head. You think about what you could have done differently or imagine if things had gone differently.

This stage helps you feel like you have some control over a situation that feels out of control. It's common to feel anxiety and doubt as you hope for a way to fix the hurt of losing your partner.

You might catch yourself thinking about promises to change or wishing for another chance. It's like negotiating in a high-stakes game where you're trying to win back something precious, but deep down, you know it's out of reach.

This stage comes from not wanting to face the full impact of your breakup yet. It shows how much effort we put into holding onto hope, even when we know moving on is inevitable.


Feeling sad after a breakup is normal. You might feel low and not enjoy things you used to. This happens because your mind is adjusting to a big change. It's called an adjustment disorder with a depressed mood, and it's okay to feel this way.

You may still laugh or have fun at times, but deep down, you could be carrying a heavy heart. This stage can hit even if you're the one who ended things. It's part of healing and moving on from what was once an important part of your life.


You might find acceptance the hardest stage to reach. It's okay. Every man walks this path at his own pace. Acceptance doesn't mean you forget or no longer care about what was lost.

It means you recognise that life goes on, and so must you. You start seeing your breakup not as an end but as a new beginning.

This stage is vital for healing after losing someone you cared for deeply. Once you get here, you're ready to rebuild healthier, stronger foundations for your future relationships.

After embracing acceptance, consider how coping strategies can further aid in your journey forward.

Tips for Coping with a Breakup

Dealing with a breakup can feel tough. It's key to know the right ways to care for your heart and mind during this time.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

It's normal to feel a mix of emotions after a breakup. You might want to push these feelings away, but it's key to let yourself feel them. Grieving the end of your relationship is necessary for healing.

Everyone has their own pace and way of dealing with the loss. It can be tempting to jump right back into dating or distract yourself with work, but taking time to process your emotions pays off in the long run.

In this journey, you're not alone; talking helps. Whether it's friends, family, or even seeking professional support-it all counts. Sharing how you feel isn't just about getting advice; sometimes, it's about being heard and understood.

After giving yourself space to grieve, surround yourself with supportive people who lift you up and understand what you're going through.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People

You need people around you who lift your spirits. Find friends and family who truly listen and stay positive. They will help you through tough times. This step is very important, just like finding a cosy place to relax after a long day.

Just as you'd seek out the best spot, look for those whose company makes you feel better.

Having someone to talk to can change everything. Whether it's over coffee or a walk, sharing your feelings with supportive people helps heal your heart. They are there to remind you of your worth they offer support without judgment, helping you move forward with confidence.

Stay Busy and Engage in Self-Care

Staying busy is your best friend after a breakup. Get into work, start a new hobby, or hit the gym. These activities aren't just distractions; they're steps to rebuilding yourself.

Self-care also plays a big role here. Consider journaling your thoughts or using essential oils to relax. These activities help sort through feelings and focus on healing.

Make sure you take time for yourself, too. True self-care means turning off your phone, enjoying a long bath, or simply doing nothing for a while. It's all about focusing on what you need and want right now-something I learned the hard way, but it made all the difference.

Moving forward, focusing on self-improvement can be transformative...

Focus on Self-Improvement

You've probably heard that working on yourself is key after a breakup. It's true. Take this time to focus on things you always wanted to do but never had the chance. Maybe it's hitting the gym more often, learning a new skill, or finally booking those guitar lessons.

Regular exercise not only shapes your body but also lifts your mood, tackling those post-breakup blues head-on.

Think about what you learned from the relationship, too. Reflecting on these lessons can help you grow and make better choices in the future. Use your newfound free time to read self-improvement books or start a journal.

Writing down your thoughts can clear your mind and spark ideas for personal growth.

Now that you're investing in yourself, it's easier to let go of the past...

Seek Professional Help if Needed

Sometimes, the pain of a breakup feels too much to handle on your own. It's okay to ask for help. Seeing a professional can make a big difference. They have ways and tools to help you through tough times.

This could be talking about your feelings or learning new ways to think that makes you feel better.

I've been there, searching for peace after things fell apart. That's when I turned to therapy-a safe space where I felt heard and understood. The techniques from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) made me see things differently and helped me move forward.

Letting Go and Moving On

Letting go and moving on after a breakup means taking steps for your own happiness. It's about making space in your life for new joys and adventures.

Cut off Contact with Your Ex

Stop talking to your ex. This means no calls, texts, or checking their social media. It's hard but very important to move on. Seven women shared that stopping all contact with their exes helped them heal faster.

It makes sense-keeping in touch can reopen old wounds and make it harder to let go.

Next step is to let go of any bad feelings you're holding onto. This helps clear your mind for new friendships and love that might come into your life. Speaking from experience, once I stopped checking my ex's online profiles, I felt lighter and more open to meeting new people when you feel ready.

Release Negative Emotions

Holding on to anger and sadness can keep you stuck. You need to let those feelings out in a healthy way. Talk about how you feel with friends or write it down. Seeing your emotions on paper can make them less scary.

Think of the breakup as a chance to grow. This view helps you move past negative thoughts.

You might feel like going over every detail of what went wrong, but this won't help. Instead, focus on things that make you happy and goals for your future. Actions like joining a gym, learning something new, or meeting up with someone for companionship can shift your mind off the breakup and onto exciting possibilities ahead.

Moving forward is all about taking small steps each day towards feeling better and finding joy again in life's adventures - whether that's discovering new places or spending time with people who lift you up.

Embrace New Relationships

Meeting new people opens doors to fresh experiences and joy. After a breakup, seeing it as a chance for new beginnings can be uplifting. Do activities you enjoy or have always wanted to try.

This could lead you to meet someone who shares your interests. Being open to making new friends helps heal the heart faster.

Meet an Escort for Companionship

After opening your heart to new relationships, another step could be to find a companion who understands what you're going through. Seeing a high-class or premium escort might offer the kind of companionship that's both comforting and uncomplicated during these tough times.

These professionals provide an escape, helping you forget your breakup for a while. Their experience means they know how to be there for someone who's just ended a relationship.

It's an opportunity to enjoy moments without strings attached, allowing you to focus on healing. Whether it's talking over dinner in Paddington or exploring Baker Street together, spending time with someone understanding can remind you that life goes on and happiness is possible again.

Focus on Your Own Happiness and Future

You deserve to be happy. Think of this breakup as a chance to focus on your own happiness and future. It's time for some self-reflection and re-evaluating what you truly want out of life.

Look at it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself, what makes you tick, and how you can grow from the experience.

Start setting goals that make you feel fulfilled and joyful. Whether it's pursuing a new hobby, advancing in your career, or even exploring new relationships when you're ready, each step is a move towards a brighter future.

This path might lead you to discover parts of yourself you never knew existed. And who knows? Along the way, meeting someone new could spark joy that complements your journey perfectly.


Feeling better after a breakup is tough, but you've got this. Start by letting yourself feel all the emotions; it's okay to be sad. Lean on friends and family - they want to help you through this.

Try new things that make you happy and keep busy with hobbies or work. Finally, believe in your future happiness - it's out there waiting for you.

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