Lifestyle Magazine

How To Find Inspiration For Your Perfect Wedding

By Claire

Find­ing inspi­ra­tion for your per­fect wedding

While some women will have a plan cov­er­ing the intri­ca­cies of their cer­e­mony long in advance of their big day, the stresses of daily life often mean that the first time a woman prop­erly thinks about her wed­ding is the day she gets engaged.

Plan­ning a wed­ding can be extremely stress­ful; not only is there plenty to co-ordinate and pur­chase, but you also need to plan a cer­e­mony and recep­tion unique to you — not to for­get the all-important bridal ensemble!

Find­ing the inspi­ra­tion for a theme that will set your wed­ding apart is dif­fi­cult, espe­cially if you haven’t thought much about what you want from your wed­ding before­hand. Luck­ily, inspi­ra­tion is all around you; here are some of the best ways to get inspired for your big day!

Wed­ding Blogs

One of the first places a bride-to-be will turn when seek­ing inspi­ra­tion for her wed­ding will be the vast array of wed­ding mag­a­zines lin­ing the shelves of your local newsagents. There’s good rea­son for this; they’re jam-packed with use­ful infor­ma­tion and inspir­ing pic­tures. The cost of buy­ing wed­ding mag­a­zines, how­ever, soon adds up!

A cheaper — and just as good — alter­na­tive is to browse the many wed­ding blogs avail­able online. These blogs cover a wide range of wed­ding types and themes, from vin­tage wed­dings to some more eclec­tic themes! Most blogs fea­ture real wed­dings, per­fect for pro­vid­ing you with a bit of theme and out­fit inspi­ra­tion.  Set up a Google Reader account, add a few wed­ding blogs and you’ll soon find your head full to the brim with wed­ding ideas.

Friends & Family

Every wed­ding should be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the bride and groom in all their glory, com­plete with their  own per­sonal style and quirks. How­ever, it can some­times be dif­fi­cult to deter­mine what makes you ‘you’. It’s always a good idea to talk to friends and fam­ily about what they con­sider to be your per­sonal style and the kind of acces­sories and out­fits they think suit you best; keep­ing their opin­ions in mind will undoubt­edly help you when hunt­ing for the per­fect bridal jew­ellery.

Tele­vi­sion & Movies

When all that wed­ding plan­ning gets too much, there’s noth­ing bet­ter than crash­ing on the sofa in front of the TV and los­ing your­self in a good pro­gramme or movie. How­ever, TV and movies are actu­ally a bril­liant way to get inspi­ra­tion for your own wedding!

The grand wed­dings shown on the likes of ‘Down­ton Abbey’ or the clas­sic vin­tage styles dis­played in movies such as ‘The Great Gatsby’ are the per­fect source for bridal out­fit inspi­ra­tion — should you catch a glimpse of a char­ac­ter sport­ing a pair of gor­geous wed­ding shoes, for exam­ple, take note of the style and color and get hunt­ing for a sim­i­lar pair online!

Old Pho­tographs & Home Videos

Fam­ily photo albums can be a slog to go through at the best of times, but your Gran’s old wed­ding pho­tos could actu­ally be a good source of inspi­ra­tion and a great way to intro­duce some fam­ily tra­di­tion into your own wed­ding. Note what you like about a par­tic­u­lar ensem­ble and set about look­ing for sim­i­lar pieces, or even ask the rel­a­tive or friend in ques­tion whether they still have the piece. Work­ing in a homage to the wed­dings of your older fam­ily mem­bers’ wed­dings can be a really nice touch and add a sen­ti­men­tal edge to proceedings!

There are, of course, other ways to find inspi­ra­tion for your wed­ding and you never truly know when inspi­ra­tion will strike you. To start off with, though, you can’t go far wrong by tak­ing some of the steps out­lined above!

Kate x


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