Politics Magazine

How to Engage in Hypermasculine Behavior If It Does Not Come Naturally

Posted on the 10 January 2017 by Calvinthedog

Johnny Caustic: Can you tell us what “absurdly exaggerated masculine” behavior you did? It would make this post very useful. Clearly you got good results, but I have no idea what you did to get those good results.

Sort of hard to describe. Just think of the most hypermasculine guy you can think of and imitate him. It might feel like a preposterous caricature so absurd that anyone who saw you would burst out laughing. Go ahead and engage in that behavior even though it feels like an idiotic caricature. Keep the idea in your head that you need to act as masculine as possible all the time, without any letup.

Don’t worry about being a caricature or anything like that. It helps if you are sort of resentful and pissed off the whole time too. For some reason that adds to the effect. Be as friendly as possible to any guys you run into. You might find men of all ages nodding their heads when you do this. They are signaling you that they appreciate the hypermasculine thing you are doing because they do it too. Go ahead and nod back to them. Other than that, just act normal.

I hate to be advocating this sort of thing, but my experience is that this behavior actually works. If it works, why not do it? Those complaining that it is sick or whatever for US society to reward what you see as toxic or pathological behavior, well, it’s up to you to change society to where it does not reward this sort of thing. As long as society gives you benefits for this behavior, I would say feel free to do it all you want and see if you can reap any rewards.

I’ve been engaging in this behavior in a sense my whole life because my masculine side is extremely strong. But then there’s that pesky feminine side that’s always getting in the way and freaking people. “You’re too sexy to be straight!” Hear it over and over. Actually it’s not a bad way to walk through life. Be a sexy man. See if the ladies respond. They have been responding to me, maybe they will to you too.

In the last 10 years or so, I upped the hypermasculine stuff in an attempt to be more “Alpha” for lack of a better word. All I have to say is it worked wonders. If you do it right, acting more Alpha should definitely improve your relationships with women. Women eat Alpha behavior like chocolate. Don’t get all wrapped up in silly arguments about whether or not you are really Alpha or what is Alpha or bla bla.

There are statistical Alphas and behavioral Alphas. Statistical Alphas are never more than 15-20% of the population. They’re the guys that most of the females want most of the time. The hot guys. Then there are the behavioral Alphas are just guys who have decided to engage in  Alpha behavior. Theoretically, you can have whole societies where most if not all of the men engage in Alpha behavior. We can debate on and on about the Alpha/Beta/Omega thing, but trust me, it’s all straight up true. Getting down to brass tacks, the take-home point is that most men would benefit from acting more “Alpha.” There’s a huge upside and little downside if you do it right.

I have not seen any of the predicted downsides from this hypermasculine behavior I have been engaging in off and on most of my life. At this point, it’s second nature. I have a few arrests. Spent 6 hours in jail my whole life. My only conviction on my record at this point is a trespassing charge for which I paid a whopping $10 fine. As you can see, I am obviously a master criminal. What is funny about this is I have been breaking the  law, mostly via what I call victimless stuff, most of my life. I’m a very cautious guy, almost passive. I am conservative and careful. There’s little drama in my life. I hardly ever have serious conflicts with other humans. As far as I can see, doing  the hypermasculine  thing has no little to no downside in my life. Plus it’s fun. Go ahead guys! Play the he-man game! Little to lose and lots to gain!

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