
How to Create Your Perfect Feng Shui Kitchen

Posted on the 08 November 2020 by Chris Freeman @chrisfree208
How to Create Your Perfect Feng Shui Kitchen

If you think the Chinese culture is extensive and complicated, then you're not wrong. Nonetheless, that has not stopped a significant part of the population from adapting some of their cultures, ranging from food and recipes to living spaces and décor. Feng Shui is one of the most popular adaptations of Chinese culture. The thing is, if you're going to do it, then you better do it right.

In this article we'll explain the Feng Shui basics and share our top tips for creating your Feng Shui kitchen of dream.

What does Feng Shui mean?

It's often hard to find a straight answer regarding culture and tradition, which applies drawing a Feng Shui definition. In layman terms, this is the belief that any room's arrangement possesses energies that can influence our health and overall well-being.

The front door, the kitchen, and the bedroom create a trinity of Feng Shui, and they correlate with each other. The front door is the mouth of a home where the Qi enters, manifests, and influences the occupant. As for the bedroom, we spend a significant part of our lives there, so the right placement allows the occupants to benefit from the positive energies.

The basic principle of Feng Shui dictates that the kitchen is the heart of a home. It is one of the Feng Shui symbols of prosperity and wealth. Here, fire interacts with the Feng Shui energies and suppresses negative Qi energies that would interfere with our health. So, hold your search for the best weight gainer and look at how these Chinese traditions can impact your life. More so, the kitchen incorporates all the Feng Shui elements in one location: fire, water, earth (represented), and metal.

The Feng Shui kitchen rules of placement and location

So, the kitchen and the arrangement of appliances are dictated by the hot versus cold principle, fire versus water. Certain Feng Shui principles and rules dictate the kitchen's location and placement, the color palette, and the interior design.

The kitchen can't be at the center of the house

The kitchen is the heart of a home. Still, it's also filled with fire, thus symbolizing 'fire attack the heart'. This can interfere with individuals' luck in a home, causing health problems and instability. It would be wise to consider the Feng Shui house direction when placing your kitchen.

The kitchen can't be at the front

The ancient Chinese considered the kitchen a source of wealth since that's where the food is produced. The wealth of a family is a personal issue, and the kitchen should be placed at the back to avoid exposing the wealth of a home. Otherwise, it would leak away.

It can't be outside

Placing your kitchen outside makes it hard for Qi of prosperity to gather. Other than wealth, this kind of setup can make it hard for a family reunion. Nevertheless, if such a kitchen is barely used, it would not be a problem.

Avoid specific northwest section

Don't place the stove between a compass direction of 300-330 degrees northwest since it correlates with the health of the masculine head of household and the women's social relationships.

The restroom shouldn't face the kitchen space

First things first, common sense should prevail. Restrooms, regardless of how clean they are, don't sync with the kitchen space.

According to the Feng Shui guide, such an arrangement creates a conflict in energy. The restroom is a water element while the kitchen is a fire element, causing numerous life disruptions.

Other Feng Shui kitchen rules

  • When planning out a Feng Shui kitchen layout, avoid a round shape instead of settling for a rectangular layout.
  • When creating a Feng Shui kitchen design, ensure you don't clash the fire and water elements (the stove and the sink.) this can be achieved if the sink and the stove are not directly facing or directly next to the other.
  • If your laundry area is either beside or inside the kitchen, don't pile up your dirty clothes.
  • Your kitchen can't be facing a toilet or below the upstairs washroom because waste and water interfere with the Qi.
  • The dining area, the living room, and the kitchen should all be on the same level.

Feng Shui color tips

There is no particular color palette that can be described as fitting a Feng Shui setting. Therefore, it will depend on preference. The goal should be something that draws you in and creates an aura of comfort while matching the Feng Shui elements.

Here are some of the Feng Shui colors that suit a Feng Shui kitchen.

Orange or red for energy

The color orange and red are much often associated with joy, food, and feast. If there is a budding chef in your house, then an orange setting would be more satisfying for them. However, too much of these colors tend to stimulate overeating, which is negative. Generally, stimulating colors work best in small doses.

Blue for compliment

The blue color compliments the colors orange and red, but it tends to counter individuals. Since blue is rare in nature, it tends to have an appetite-suppressing effect. This makes it the perfect equalizer to orange, and it balances out the energy. Nevertheless, if you use too much blue, it will often decrease food appeal, which can be quite discouraging, especially if you love to cook for your loved ones.

Replace black with earthly tones

When it comes to Feng Shui kitchen colors, black is often avoided because it's considered depressing, and it visually shrinks your space. Even though the color black is dramatic, it often feels cold and isolating when associated with the kitchen. However, most modern kitchens are in white and black, and Feng Shui guides that stark contrasts should be accented in red.

If possible, avoid such colors altogether and settle for earthy tones such as olive or tan. This makes a space warm and friendlier.

Try out golden or soft yellow

Other than earthy tones, yellows and muted gold are the colors of bonding and gathering, making them perfect for a Feng Shui kitchen space. They elicit comfort and feelings of relaxation, together with security, safety, and happiness.

Feng Shui cleaning and storage tips

These are essential aspects that have a significant effect on your Feng Shui. So learn to -

  • Close your pantry doors and drawers at all times.
  • Avoid piling up your dirty dishes.
  • Store your mops and brooms in closets. Avoid leaving them out.
  • Avoid hanging your towels through the oven handles.
  • Replace all your old, worn, or chipped utensils. Anything that is dented, broken, bent, or with missing parts should be thrown out. In a Feng Shui setting, everything should be neat and in the best working condition.
  • Keep your knives and other cutting objects out of sight. Even though magnetic strips and butcher blocks are attractive and convenient, storing your knives away is good Feng Shui and is significantly safer.

Don't display your knives and sharp objects. Instead, tuck your knives away for good Feng Shui.

Throw in a wood element

We have talked about how your space blends fire, water, and metal elements, but you should also make sure wood is represented. This is not hard to achieve, and it can be as simple as leaving out your wooden chop board or potted plant.

Use large spaces for dining

When it comes to Feng Shui interior design, energy flows best if the dining space is within the kitchen area so long as both space's functions can be separated.

Avoid large overhead items

If we're being honest, many of us like to hang our pots and pans on the wall or from the ceiling. Even though copper pots attract positive Qi, are visually attractive, and create an aura of authenticity, they are not considered good Feng Shui. This is because heavy overhead items will often make us feel unsafe.

So, consider storing your pots, pans, and other heavy kitchen objects in cupboards and pantry closets.

Clean and then clean some more

You have probably noticed that cleanliness is a significant aspect of Feng Shui. However, this goes beyond the normal wiping of countertops and doing the dishes.

Regularly clean your cupboards and drawers, inside and out, and get rid of unnecessary contents. Clean your walls and countertops frequently and wipe down backsplashes. Clean your appliances often. In addition, sweep and mop the floor frequently.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Hanging a mirror that reflects the light and warmth of the stove is good Feng Shui. Also, installing a mirror behind the stovetop puts the chef in a command position. This means that they will be able to see what's happening behind them, even with their backs turned towards the room.

More Feng Shui kitchen tips

The only way you can enjoy the benefits of anything is if you're doing it right. Here are a few tips you could use to maximize good vibes:

Play with lighting

If you're working with smaller spaces, it's essential to invest in decent lighting. Avoid fluorescent lighting and, instead, try out LED lighting options. Pay keen attention to the shift in energy associated with each one.

To increase the quality of energy, try layering your lighting. For instance, maximize natural lighting then use a mirror to expand the spatial perspective. If you're not lucky enough to have natural light options, installing a skylight would be a great idea.

Respect the stove

The stove is the heart of your kitchen, and Feng Shui dictates it should be treated with respect. Therefore, ensure it works properly and clean it often. Alternating your burners allows new opportunities in your life while keeping it cleans indicate you honor your wealth. Not using your stove means your wealth isn't ignited, thus promoting stillness. Also, rotating your burners is the right way of evenly distributing energy around the room and drawing positive qi.

Glass for the cabinets

Color may be beneficial, but you don't have to fixate on painting your cabinets. Instead, you can explore other cabinetry materials that offer Feng Shui benefits. A perfect example of such material would be glass. They create a focal point that's breathable, meaning they are not entirely closed in. On the other hand, frosted or otherwise, will require you to keep your spaces organized.

How about some fruit?

If you're looking to incorporate color into your space, then getting a bowl of fruits for the countertop is an excellent Feng Shui cure. Other than providing you and your loved ones with the necessary nutrients, the fruit is a representation of wealth and health.

Alternatively, you can settle for Feng Shui plants or herbs for your space. The energies they bring can be tested by answering the question, how does it feel?

Bring some art

Besides adding color and zest to your life, art is a great way of personalizing your kitchen. Nevertheless, be keen on the kind of artwork you choose to display in your space. It could be about food or outdoor or indoor cafe scenery. Whether you want your piece to be cartoony, abstract, or realistic, just be sure it compliments both your personality and that of your space.

De-clutter everything

Cleanliness and organization are the backbones of Feng Shui decor. Get rid of the clutter in your cabinets and on top of the counters by eliminating everything you don't use. Learn to sort and organize your mail, keys, the kid's homework, and other miscellanies that clutter your countertop.

Feng Shui guides that only frequently used items that are daily or at least thrice a week should be left on your countertops. Everything else is classified as clutter and should be stored out of sight.

Dig through your drawers, shelves, and cabinets and evaluate their contents. Be practical and size down on cutlery. Depending on the number of occupants in your home - the Feng Shui principle advocates for necessity.

To wrap it up...

There are hundreds of Feng Shui principles you could adapt to your kitchen space. Most of the tips listed here are relatively easy to manifest, while others are simply a strict version of what we do daily.

What are some of the Feng Shui tips you've learned along the way? Comment down below. We would love to hear from you!

Alex Green is a copywriter with more than 3 years of experience. He is fond of healthy living and knows a lot about home improvement. In his spare time, Alex likes walking with his golden retriever, meeting with friends, and attending the gym.

Featured image from Pexels

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