Hair & Beauty Magazine

How to Choose the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

By Rishiraj @beautyglimpseIn

Finding a right shampoo can be, if not more, an equally difficult task as finding your Mr Right! Well, that may sound like a little exaggeration. But what we are not exaggerating on are the overwhelming choices of shampoo currently available in the market. There is really a wide array of options. So how do you know which shampoo is right for you? Which shampoo should you choose for your hair type? Smooth &silky, volumnizing, shampoo for curly hair, shampoo for straight hair, shampoo for dry scalp, anti-dandruff shampoo and the list just goes on. All you have to do is know your hair type and texture and what problem in your hair you want to fix or what is it you really want the shampoo to do. We guide you on, How to Choose the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type, right here.

How to Choose the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

For Fine Hair

Choose a shampoo that’s not very thick or creamy for your type of hair. Make sure you opt for voluminous formulas that are gentle and add sheen and bounce to your flat hair. To improve your hair, you require a shampoo that steers clear of buildup.

For Curly Hair

If you have curly hair, choose a formula that hydrates your curls and also moisturises them. If you have thin curly hair, choose a formula that will hydrate, moisturise your hair and also enhance it with volume. If you have thick and coarse curly hair, use a shampoo that has strong moistening qualities, that will soften your edges and hair.

Also Read: 5 Habits to Avoid That Cause Hair fall Here

For Normal Hair

You are one of the lucky lot of people when it comes to hair. Your hair is neither dry nor oily. Looking for a shampoo for your type of hair is easy. You need to choose a shampoo that will leave your hair shinier, stronger, bouncier and healthier than before .

For Thick Hair

Choose a shampoo that will soothingly rinse away any excess oil and product buildup. You need a shampoo with ingredients that will smoothen and make coarse textures softer. A formula that will help toughen and shield your thick hair without stripping your locks of innate moisture.

How to Choose the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

For Oily Hair

This type of hair, we know is difficult to tackle. How to get rid of oiliness that show up on your hair frequently? Choose a shampoo with gentle formula that averts frizz, avoids any buildup and ensures a healthy circulation of natural oils all over the scalp.

Also Read: 20 Home Remedies for Hair Regrowth Here

For Dry and Damaged Hair

Your hair lacks nutrients. Did you know our hair is made up of 70% protein? Yes, you are lacking in protein if you fall in this type of hair category. Give your hair the nutrient, shine and strength with a shampoo that is rich in proteins.

For Coloured Hair

Color indulged hair needs to be rinsed with a shampoo that won’t strip the color. Choose a shampoo that will tenderly get rid of volume-stifling build up and oil and also maintain the color and its shine.

There is high possibility you have mixed hair type or a particular hair type with a problem. Coloured and curly hair, straight and dry hair. If have mixed hair type, opt for a shampoo that treats both. It’s important you select your shampoo based on the focal point you wish to address.

Also Read: Natural Tips to Get Silky Hair Here

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