
How to Bypass Great Firewall of China

Posted on the 15 April 2024 by Silverhanna
How to Bypass Great Firewall of China Last Update: June 9th, 2016.

With a time pass the most reliable solution to access blocked sites in China still remains vpn service.

Below you can find the list of vpn providers that works fine in China (tested on January the 13th 2016)

We tested only the most reliable and secure services with the main features:

  1. Help to Unblock All sites
  2. Safe, secure, and reliable
  3. Protect your privacy

Provide good service with:

We usually talk about Internet censorship in the Middle East. But Gulf region not the only part or our world where people suffer from on-line limits and cannot access blocked sites.

China is another country where Great Firewall makes lots of problem for Internet users.

If you are planning to go to China, you should know the Great Firewall of China. Otherwise, you will be surprised that you cannot have access on thousands of websites including Google and their products such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, hundreds of Wikipedia pages, VOIP Services like Skype, Line, WhatsApp, Viber and many more. You can use Skype, but they have a different version and some of its feature might not be applicable for you. So far, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the best solution to bypass this Great Firewall of China.

Formally called Golden Shield Project, Great Firewall of China is the internet censorship and surveillance project by the Chinese government. It became operational in November 2003, and since then, China has been blocking tons of IP addresses and inspecting, analyzing, and filtering URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) or web addresses. Many VPNs were also blocked in China in 2012. But still, VPN is not considered illegal in the country and no one has been prosecuted for using VPN.

There are actually many ways to unblock sites in China. Among them are proxy servers, the free routing software TOR, and uploading mirrored copies of blocked sites to cloud hosting services. But note that there are around 50,000 Internet police members in China. The Chinese government is also continuously improving their Great Firewall, which is dubbed as the largest digital barrier in the world. This why VPN is the most trusted method in surfing the Internet anonymously while you are in China.

With VPN, you are transmitting and receiving online data through a secured, encrypted 'tunnel,' thus hiding you and your geo-location from the Great Firewall of China. Many VPN service providers offer different levels of security protocols, with Open VPN and PPTP VPN being the most popular ones. All of these protocols have their own advantages and disadvantages. You have to understand before you try any of them. Note also that there are many VPN companies out there, so you should be very careful.

There are free VPNs, but common sense will tell you they are no match against the powerful Great Firewall of China. You don't expect a free service to beat a huge investment with very strict policies, do you? A free VPN also needs money to survive, so expect tons of ridiculous advertisements when you use it. Plus of course, you cannot force them to provide you excellent customer service. In short, if you really want the best VPN for China; choose from among the paid ones. But beware of the cheap ones.

For the record, not all cheap VPNs are reliable and efficient. Make sure you check their reputation first. Know their speed especially if you are going to watch videos online. Don't also get easily be fooled with the unlimited bandwidth offer, you might be paying for something you will not use. You should know what you need and how frequent will be using it. For companies and businesses, VPNs are very useful in China, so they invest money on it. But if you are only an occasional user, use a much simpler one.

You can also read:

4 Tips to Unblock Sites in China

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