Lifestyle Magazine

How To Better Organise Your Workforce

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

There's nothing worse than owning a business and not having a clue what your employees are up to. Worse still, you may talk to them only to realise they've all been getting their wires crossed and not completing things you thought were completed.

Best Ways to Organise Your Workforce 2017

How To Better Organise Your Workforce

Whilst this can sometimes be the fault of your employees, it's most often the fault of a lack of organisation, which can only be attributed to the boss. No, you shouldn't have to be micromanaging your team. However, there are probably measures that you could be adopting to keep things better organised. Here are just a few of those measures.

If you're still sticking a rota on a wall or manually handling the payroll with a pen and calculator, it could be time to graduate to the digital age. HR software can help to better organise every aspect of staffing from giving people their individual projects to automating the payroll to allowing people to access their rota from home.

You can even use software to provide your staff with online training. There are many HR programmes out there. Some companies meanwhile are now shelling out on their own custom software to make things more organised.

You could consider taking a course in human resources to better understand how to manage your employees. This website How Do I Become A Human Resource Specialist? details one such course. For those that don't want to take a long course, there are plenty of week-long courses and even day workshops and seminars that can teach you new organisation tactics.

How To Better Organise Your Workforce

Every boss needs to be holding regular meetings with their staff to ensure that everyone is one the same page. Some businesses can get away with one at the beginning of each week. In other cases, a daily morning meeting could be useful.

On top of this, you should be trying to arrange meetings with individual staff members to both gage how they're doing and bond with them. Bonding with your staff will make them more open and you may be told about business developments earlier rather than always being the last in the loop.

This also relates to getting to know your staff. By knowing their strengths and weaknesses, you can better delegate roles and tasks to them. If you run a restaurant and someone is hopeless on the floor but excellent behind the bar, don't keep putting them on the floor.

This way of assigning people to tasks is far more effective than handing random roles to people. Your employees will also appreciate that you value their strengths.

How To Better Organise Your Workforce

The best way to organise employees to enforce a sense of organisation from the beginning. This means being thorough with both recruitment and training. During recruitment really get to understand applicants and the skills that they can bring to the table so that you know where to place them when they begin.

Use a recruitment company if you struggle to find the staff and don't be afraid to interview lots of people to get the best spread of applicants. Before asking them to start, make sure that you've got an organised training process in place so they can adjust well.

Even employees with lots of previous experience need training as methods may be done differently in your company. If you can't train them yourself, delegate someone to the task (but make sure that the person training them also doesn't have to great a workload).

Goals are important for motivating your staff and for pointing them in the right direction. They may have multiple tasks to do, some of which aren't priorities. Give each member goals to spur them in the right direction. Also have a team goal to get everyone working together more efficiently.

It's important the goalposts aren't moved and that there are tangible rewards that encourage your staff to follow these goals. This doesn't have to be a monetary bonus - it could be a bottle of champagne (for smaller goals) or a paid day off work or a company phone (for bigger goals).

Incorporate these goals into each of your meetings so that your team are always striving to be on target. 🙂

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