Lifestyle Magazine

How Sugar Ages Your Skin

By Rolala @rolalaloves
How Sugar Damages Your Skin, The Effects Of Sugar On Your Skin, Sugar Face, Why Sugar Is Bad For Your Skin
When it comes to skincare, you should be paying just as much attention to what you put into your body as what you use on your face. What you eat not only affects your weight and your health but also your skin which happens to be the biggest organ in the human body.  I once talked about things that I do for my skin and eating a healthy balanced diet is one of them. Avoiding refined and added sugars factors greatly into that.  In fact I'm fairly convinced that giving up sugar is one of the best things that I've ever done for my skin as well as my body.
While eating cookies and cakes and other sweet treats may satisfy your sweet tooth, it may also trigger a case of "sugar face" which is not so fun and definitely not cute. Yes sugar face is real and there is research and information from many leading dermatologists that backs it up. Regular consumption of sugar affects the body negatively in a multitude of ways that can include weight gain, cavities, sleep disruption, cognitive impairment, mood swings as well as a weakening the immune system. And when it comes to your face, it’s just as bad.

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