Hair & Beauty Magazine

How I Got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare Routine

By Lipglossaffairs @justsangy
How I got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare RoutineGet Rid of Pimples | Try my Skincare Routine
If you had asked me a year back on how to treat a pimple, I would have probably made a blank face! Acted like you asked me something unearthly and alien thing and would have most probably brushed off the topic with just a silly laugh, seriously!! But today it’s a whole different story. I probably have more information than any granny or wiki can give and have tried and tested almost all possible homemade masks, topical solutions and even been to Dermatologist.In layman’s language, typically Pimples are mostly caused due to eating junk food, keeping the skin unclean and have a habit of going to bed with makeup on. But in my case a hormonal imbalance has created havoc for me. *sigh*I really want to go back to having my skin clear and look flawless again, so reached out to Garnier Pure Active Neem few days back.
I am a Beauty Blogger but I strongly dislike a layer of makeup on my face, even when it means pimples, bumps and even marks showing through the medium coverage foundations. You can see below, despite of the medium coverage foundation of a highly reputed brand how my pimples/acne is showing through and this is before I have started using Garnier  –
How I got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare Routine
p.s- *this pic was taken inside the room
Initially I didn’t use Garnier Face Wash regularly, to be honest I picked this up purely for a trial to see if my skin responds to it well (things got pretty worse when few products I used recently did irritate my skin a lot more and complicated the whole issue). But after the use of Garnier Pure Active Neem, though I wouldn’t say my skin is clear and pure, my troubled sensitive skin started to calm down and I have fewer pimples than before (small tiny ones are counted too, right?? )And here’s how my face looks like after the same medium coverage foundation from the same highly reputed brand (yes no signs of any marks or bumps of acne/pimples) –
How I got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare Routine
p.s- *this pic was taken in a corridor, as you can seeWhy Garnier Pure Active Neem – My Top 5 Reasons
  1. Having neem paste on pimple or prone area stinks and besides it makes me cringe with that sharp pain(mom makes me do a paste of it with turmeric, trust me girl, it hurts like hell). But without all that fuss and drama, I can happily opt for neem face wash which does job of cleansing and also working on the Acne/Pimples. Talk about two birds at one shot!! *-*
  2. It’s not out of the way treatment or extra care I need to do everyday, it’s just a routine, a ritual and I am more than happy to just do it without a fail.
  3. I can use my Clarisonic Mia2 with this and I am free of scrubbing my face regularly to get rid of dead skin cells. Besides using scrub regularly, when you have sensitive skin irritates and makes the condition worse. P.s – Brush of my Clarisonic is meant for sensitive skin and is not harsh on skin as a regular scrub
  4. My dull skin is much brighter after the use of Garnier. They say, clogged pores don’t absorb the after care products we use post cleansing. Luckily, this doesn’t seem to clog my pores any more and hence the expensive or not, the products I use post cleansing seem to show result. 
  5. Last but not least, having a sensitive and combination-dry skin is the worse skin type any one can have. And unlike most of the face washes meant for Acne/Pimples this one doesn’t strip my skin of the natural oils and does not make it feel tight and dry.

Do I need more reasons to like this one so much?
Most Common Myth about Acne/Pimples- they happen when in teens and/or when you eat junk food.
Acne/Pimples are also known to get triggered due to high levels of stress and/or disturbance in hormonal activity. So it’s always ideal to check the root cause before you start your trials. Besides, Garnier is always there and is perfectly safe to use whatever be the reason. *When a highly sensitive and combination-dry skin is happy, yours can be too!!
Say Yes to Clear and Pure Skinnow

Apart from the above cleansing routine, following are the steps i also take to ensure the effective results -

  1. Eating healthy - I have been taking lots of fresh fruit juices, eating raw veggies and also having buttermilk. I found buttermilk helped in calming the redness of my skin.
  2. Drinking the required amount of water - Yes, you read it right. Based on the weight, the body's requirement of water changes. I depend on *Water your body* app to remind me to have my water at regular intervals and also have the right amount of water too for that day.
  3. Moisturizing - Staying away from moisturizers will get the skin glands to go overdrive and hence produce more oils. I rely on the high performance moisturizer which doesn't leave my skin oily, sticky or greasy. Note - i lightly tap the moisturizer over the acne/pimples and not slather on them
  4. Lastly, i do apply honey ocassionally to calm the redness
So that's my skincare routine at the moment, here's what i use on my face -How I got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare Routine
 Hope you find this post useful and helpful!Check out the product details here and/or buy the same here – more here -

P.s - This post is part of Indiblogger and Garnier Pure Active Neem Activity 
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How I got Rid of Pimples | My Current Skincare Routine
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