Religion Magazine

How Hard is It to Follow the Father?

By None

How hard is it for humankind to follow the Father, as He so intensely desires – as He desired since the beginning of time? We only have to follow these with all their ramifications, with love in our hearts:

  1. You shall have no other gods but Me;
  2. Do not take My Name in vain;
  3. Keep holy the day of rest;
  4. Honor your parents;
  5. Do not kill;
  6. Do not commit adultery;
  7. Do not steal;
  8. Do not lie;
  9. Do not desire your neighbor’s wife/husband;
  10. Do not desire your neighbor’s goods.

Yet, we regularly fail in keeping at least some of these, because we keep on not allowing God Himself to come and live in our hearts.

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