Hair & Beauty Magazine

How Even The Busiest People Can Make a Quality Cup of Coffee at Home

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Now, how did the world come to run on coffee? That's a very good question, especially for someone who has other preferences. Nonetheless, many would agree that this is a rich beverage that helps to grease the wheels of different economies, not forgetting that it's among the most traded commodities around the world. But don't get it twisted, we're not talking about oil... it's all about that dark hot drink most of us love taking in the morning, any day, any time coffee!

Billions of people, before heading out to work, will get a shot of a cup 'a hot cup of Joe, Espresso, Mocha, Latte, or Affogato, to mention but a few variations. However you take your coffee - cold, hot, or warm - it still helps you to accomplish what the ordinary person may not accomplish within your given timelines. It opens up your mind, boosts your focus, and skyrockets your energy levels. But your favorite cup of coffee may not always be a block away, which makes it wise to learn how to make your own from home or office.

That having been said, here's how even the busiest people can make a quality cup of coffee at home.

1. Making the difference with the right coffee maker machine

Making the perfect cup of coffee shouldn't be compared to rocket science. It should come naturally. However, your investment decisions will make a huge difference between a great cup of coffee and a yucky feeling on your way to work. This means that you need to invest in the right coffee maker machine designed for home use. Having a coffee machine at home will provide you with convenience, efficiency, and the ability to produce different coffee flavor varieties in the comfort of your home.

But then again, there are different types of coffee-making machines to choose from depending on the type of coffee you're interested in. These range from French press coffee makers to percolators, drip coffee makers, and espresso machines, just to name a few. According to Franky at says that if espresso is your favorite coffee, the quality of your cup of coffee will largely be determined by the espresso machine you choose. This makes it important to compare various espresso machine brands, their features, sizes, prices, mode of operation, and everything in between to ensure you're making the right decision. In a nutshell, if you're ready to treat yourself to a gourmet cup of coffee every morning, then it's time you decided on investing in the right coffee maker machine.

How Even The Busiest People Can Make a Quality Cup of Coffee at Home

2. It's all about picking the right beans

One of the biggest secrets to brewing a great cup of coffee lies in the quality of your coffee beans. You heard it right! Now, if you're not sure about what to look for when selecting the best quality coffee beans, you're in the right place. But before that, it's also important to learn a trick or two on how to mix your coffee beans after you've roasted them. Whether you're buying your coffee beans directly from a coffee shop or a grocery store, there are various aspects that you'll need to consider in determining the quality of the coffee beans you choose.

Below are tips on choosing the best coffee beans:
  • Determine your preferences - There are two types of coffee beans, namely Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is considered to be the best-graded coffee, but this may depend on where the coffee was grown and the production process. On the other hand, Robusta coffee has a strong bitter taste usually preferred when making instant coffee and blended coffee flavors.
  • Determine the amount of caffeine you want in your cup of coffee - One thing to note is that, roasting increases the amount of caffeine in coffee beans. This means that if your preference is less caffeine, then you'll be better off with lightly roasted coffee beans
  • Check the roasting date - Choosing freshly processed coffee beans can make a huge difference in the quality of coffee you make at home. It's recommendable to choose whole grain coffee beans rather than processed ground coffee that you're not sure about the dates of roasting.
How Even The Busiest People Can Make a Quality Cup of Coffee at Home

3. Learning the tricks of making the perfect cup of coffee

Coffee-making is an art in the making. Even with all the right ingredients and an efficient brewing machine, you'll still need to learn the tricks of making the perfect cup of coffee. There are different varieties of coffee and they are not made the same.

You don't need to be a barista, but it's imperative that you perfect your coffee making skills, and below are some tips to help you out.
  • Practice patience
  • Problem-solving skills will come in handy
  • Interact with coffee makers in your community
  • You must have a passion for it
  • Share your ideas and get inspired by the ideas from others

If you've been wondering how the busiest people still manage to make their own coffee at home, there you have it. It's not as hard as most people would assume it to be, but it takes time and effort. Sticking to the above tips and doing research will provide you with the important knowledge and skills you need to become better at making your own quality coffee right from the comfort of your home, even with a busy schedule.

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