Hair & Beauty Magazine

How Does Smile Makeover Look Like

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

You use your mouth every day to communicate with other people. This means your teeth are constantly being put on display. Having discolored, uneven, or chipped teeth can lead to others judging you negatively, even if just subconsciously, based on your appearance. This can also affect your self-esteem, as you might be hesitant to smile or be outgoing due to embarrassment. This can impact many different areas of your life, like meeting new friends or finding a job. Cosmetic dentistry, or a "smile makeover," can help you overcome these problems in order to feel more confident about your appearance.

Whiter Teeth

As you age, your teeth naturally become more yellow as the enamel wears down. Improper upkeep, such as a lack of brushing can also cause a buildup of plaque, and certain foods will exacerbate this issue, leaving behind stains. The process of receiving a professional whitening treatment involves the application of a hydrogen peroxide gel activated by a special heating lamp, usually done in three 20-minute intervals. While there are at-home solutions to teeth whitening, these are not as effective and can take much longer before you see any results. However, having it done professionally will get it done safely and much faster.

Tooth Alignment and Proportions

There are several ways to improve your tooth alignment and proportions, including caps and veneers. Since veneers can fix multiple problems at once, they're a great solution for a smile makeover. Veneers are thin tooth-colored shells that are custom-made to cover the fronts of your teeth, giving you a white, evenly-spaced, and perfectly-aligned smile. Because they're bonded to your teeth, it gives you the added benefit of protecting them from additional wear-and-tear, avoiding the need for additional treatment. According to one dentist Lynchburg, Virginia, creating these veneers takes quite a bit of skill and experience, so it's important that you consult with a seasoned professional. The process can be done over the course of two visits over the course of a week.

How Does Smile Makeover Look Like

Shape and Texture

Another part of cosmetic dentistry involves altering your teeth to give them a different characterization, like a more masculine or feminine appearance. When you get older, your teeth get worn down from use, so getting your teeth lengthened will make you look younger. If you want a smile like the ones you see on models or celebrities in magazines and on television, you can look like that, too. Your dentist can shape your crowns or veneers to fit the perfect smile you're looking for.

A smile makeover is a great way to improve your appearance without having to invest a lot of time and effort. It will boost your self-confidence, allowing you to be more outgoing and opening up opportunities that may have not been available to you before. It's just human nature to find a great smile attractive. Once you've had a smile makeover, you'll want to show it off wherever you go now that you don't have to worry about hiding bad teeth. There's no telling just how far your new and improved smile can take you.

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