Family Magazine

How Do I Know When My Toddler Is Ready For Playschool?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

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How do I know when my toddler is ready for playschool? asked a mom on my Facebook group.

Kody is my youngest at the age of two, so the only one left at home while the others attend school. Kaiden 3 goes to nursery each afternoon for three hours. We found Kody was getting upset when he was the one left behind so we booked him two afternoons into the nursery for younger children.

He loves it, his speech has come on in leaps and bounds and as he was such a clingy little boy, this has really helped him with his social skills too.

I was very ill while pregnant with Kody and have over compensated with it and made him a mummy’s boy. He would scream the moment any stranger came into the house. This habit has greatly improved since he started going to nursery.

Due to being ill and my anxiety I didn’t feel confident into taking him to playgroups and while he had his brothers and sisters to play with at home, I did feel I was not giving him enough stimulation.

I asked my mommy friends how they handled this milestone and this is what they told me;


Titch; I took my little girl to many playgroups as she used to be cling and she even went to a stay and play group where I left her for a few hours. It did her good, she’s now in nursery and starts full time school in September and she loves it.

Kylie; When you feel like your going insane, if you don’t have a break from them and constantly repeating their name along with ‘no’ don’t touch, then its time to take them.

Sarah; Summer started at 2 because I thought she would enjoy the time. She was/is very shy and didn’t like children. I thought it might help her with some confidence. And it has. She’s been there 4 months now and is doing fab! Just had her folder back, she’s made ‘friends’ she’s interacting and learning. She’s still shy but that’s her personality.

Natasha;  I have always taken my 2 girls to the local playgroup to either weigh them or just to play. I found that by interacting with other children they learnt how to interact with each other too.  Ellie started nursery at 2 and she has come on leaps and bounds with her talking, sharing and everything else. I wouldn’t change what I did and I am glad we chose to do this.

Leeanne;  Amber went to playschool for 2 years, I sent her when she turned 3 as her birthday is in August she didn’t start primary school till she turned 5. I thought she was too young to go at 4. Arron started playschool last year he was 3 and it has helped both of mine loads.

Yvonne; Kyran started playgroup at 2 1/2. Lucie started playgroup at 2. They needed more company from children their own age. They’ve both been with a childminder from a young age (5 months and 6 months) so were used to being away from me. It did them the world of good – really helped develop independence, confidence and social skills.

Steph; Lexi started 1 afternoon a week when she was 2.5 years. I could tell she was ready she was bored and misbehaving. She wanted more stimulation and interaction with children her own age. She is now in 2 full days a week. Her keyworker said she has grown in confidence.

Julie; I took my little girl to playgroups from about the age of 9 months. When she was about 21 months old I did a 10 week parenting course so she went to the creche for one morning a week. Just after her 2nd birthday I got free funding for her to attend a nursery for 2.5 hours a day. 5 days a week. She loves it as she is an only child so it gives her the social interaction with other kids she needs.

It has helped her development as she is advanced for her age. I think it also good preparation for when she has to go to school as she is now used tow being in a school type environment without mommy. On a selfish note it has also opened up a new circle of friends for me with some of the other mums

How Do I Know When My Toddler Is Ready For Playschool? What Is Your Advice?

 How Do I Know When My Toddler Is Ready For Playschool?

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