Spirituality Magazine

How Do Gems Cure Diseases-9Gem

By Sanjeev Chaudhary @9GemDotCom
Curing Diseases Gemstone <img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-8224" src="https://mlbyli5mgegq.i.optimole.com/E-F2n0A.2qFu~23fc2/w:782/h:522/q:90/https://i2.wp.com/blog.9gem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Curing-Diseases-Gemstone-1.jpg?resize=782%2C522&ssl=1" alt="Curing Diseases Gemstone " width="782" height="522" data-recalc-dims="1" />Curing Diseases Gemstone

Gems And Diseases:   Our body is composed of seven colors of the solar spectrum. They are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These are the basic colors, and other shades are made by mixing one or two of these colors. When there is a deficiency of any one of these primary colors in our body, we get attacked by the disease caused by that absence. Gems have the power to keep a balance among these minerals in our body. The suitable gem, which we choose to wear, should touch our body. If we wear a suitable gem, the cosmic rays of the planet related to that particular gem, enter our body through that gem and produce a remedial effect on us and thereby heals our body.

Influence Of Gems :  Human beings suffer in three ways – physically, mentally and spiritually. Gems help by passing on planetary cosmic rays into the body of the sufferer. For Example: When it is hot sun or rain, we use the umbrella. We cannot stop rain or sun from its heat, but the umbrella protects us from the rain or hot rays of the sun. In the same manner, when we use proper gem, the negative rays of the planets are cleared by it. Thus gemstones act as a shield and guard against the evil influences of the planets.

Planet Gem

Sun Ruby

Moon White Pearl

Mars Red Coral

Jupiter Yellow Sapphire

Mercury Emerald

Venus Diamond

Saturn Blue Sapphire

Rahu Hessonite

Ketu Cat’s Eye

Healing Powers of the Gems:  Certain gems have wonderful healing powers. Each gem cures certain diseases perfectly. They are:

Diseases Healing Gemstones

Heart Troubles Ruby, Diamond, Emerald

Disorder, Water- Borne Diseases Pearl, Emerald, Yellow sapphire

Jaundice, Tuberculosis, Asthma Yellow Sapphire, Blue Sapphire

Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Problems White Coral, Yellow sapphire

Kidney, Reproductive Organs Diamond

Blood circulation, Anemia Red Coral, Lapis Lazuli.

Vatha Roga, Joint Pain Blue Sapphire, Emerald

Skin Diseases, Leprosy Hessonite,

Vomiting, Fever, Drowsiness Cat’s Eye

Diabetes Yellow Sapphire, White Coral

Mental Illness Emerald, Pearl, Yellow Sapphire

Menstrual Troubles Red Coral, Pearl

Migraine Headache Star Sapphire, Jade

In this blog we have described about the choice of appropriate gemstones according to the planetary cosmic rays. Wearing suitable gem does wonders in solving the problems, offers protection from the evil influences of planets and enhances their beneficial effect.

Gems Cure Diseases-9Gem
<img src="https://mlbyli5mgegq.i.optimole.com/DbowGXc.2qFu~23fc2/w:auto/h:auto/q:90/https://i1.wp.com/blog.9gem.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/9Gem-Gemstone-Banners-For-Blog-Site.jpg?w=1220&ssl=1" class="aligncenter" data-recalc-dims="1" />

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