Self Expression Magazine

Hone One’s Own

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic by misslatoya

Hone One’s OwnKeirria

Hone One’s OwnIn reply to misslatoya

I believe one of my fiancés female friends put voodoo on our relationships. I have been cut off from the dream world but because I am part psychic myself I can still get little parts of warnings that voodoo have been done by a jealous female and she keeps coming around to see how much damage her work have done. I have small kids and don’t want them to continue to witness this and have my body to continue going through the things she makes both me and him do to each other. I love my family deeply and hate that we ran in to this evil person and we are very good people. can you help us please or tell me what I must do . People will do a reading a see what I see but want help us with out money and that is something that is limited to us because f this jealous person. I feel so sad and hurt I could cry but my high self Is in tune so now I am ready for war with what ever raft this is this person sunt to my family. Peale help a kind hearted soul person and give me some advise to beat this evil ….I don’t want to be evil back just some good kind please . thank you kindly oh and the person have my school picture. They stole it out my car one day I just don’t know who it is or why.

Hone One’s Own

Hone One’s Own
In reply to Keirria

You know, I never ever got to the point of feeling sad or hurt when my enemies came after me with voodoo/black magic or anything else. They could never hurt me mentally or emotionally with their words or actions.

From what I’ve learned through their ignorance is that they try to hurt others with the things that would hurt or bother them.

They were oblivious to the fact that there is a world full of people out there that are on different levels and with different mentalities.

What effects some or most will not at all effect certain others.

They didn’t seem to understand the distinction within individuality, they didn’t have the knowledge or experience to step out of their zones to adapt to the facts and realities of the diversity of life they were only familiar with the limitations and generalizations that they were use to.

And what I had to realize is that everyone wasn’t as emotionless and unaffected as I was.

So I didn’t feel any hurt but I felt anger and contempt because I knew what my enemies were about and what they were doing and what they had done to other good people and I am a good person though I do have a violent temper when I am provoked and I am vengeful, it is within my nature, when people do me wrong I fight back viciously.

So I may not be the person for you to come to because I have the gift of clairvoyance and the foundations of my own spirituality and view a lot of things from an unconventional perspective.

Just like other things in life voodoo/black magic has to also do with the mind as well as spiritual and physical and emotional and it all depends on how one’s mind works when it comes to defeating it. How you view things, what you believe in and etc… You have to be stronger than the negativity and if and when what is worked on you is the opposite of your true nature or desires it backfires making it easier to combat.

My passionate fiery side along with my spirituality enabled me to beat and further prevent these evil spells.

You as a person with some psychic ability as you have claimed say you are aware of what is going on around you but you should find your own path and solution that is befitting to you through meditation and divination.

A person of true ability is protected and guided by spirit. They’d already know to listen to their inner voice of wisdom that leads them to truth. You shouldn’t go to outside sources you wouldn’t need to. You should know if you really have a gift.

Information comes to people with extra sensory perception naturally and automatically through energy.


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