Family Magazine

His Timing is Everything.

By Rachel Rachelhagg @thehaggerty5

The longer we walk with the Lord, and the more we are obedient to his voice, we begin to bear fruit. Ripeness consumes the vines in our hearts, as the vine grows heavy. The fruit we have produced is waiting for the harvest to come.

Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

The first day of Fall made me aware of how much I will miss fresh snap peas and tomatoes. One of my favorite things about living on a small Farm is the garden that the previous owner so lovingly planted.

While my toddler naps, my daughter and I have a special few hours together. Usually watering the plants, starting dinner together, or just sun bathing in the field. Today we decided to pick the rest of the tomato harvest, and the snap peas that my son eats like a Snickers bar.

I saw the vine from afar. Heavy, sloped downward, full of snap peas. The tomato’s that were just there yesterday had dried up from the sun, ripe… but not picked in time.

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I heard the Lord speak as I counted how many snap peas I would gather. 1,2,3 and soon I was up to 22.

” Rachel look at the vine. It has produced so much fruit, but has not been picked. The vine is getting too heavy and will soon fall to the ground. All the freshness of the ripe vegetable will be eaten by bugs, and eventually rot. The tomatoes were beautiful, and plump. But no one picked them, so they are useless.

Both needed to be harvested to be enjoyed, to give nutrition to your body, and anyone that you would feed.

Do you understand what I am saying to you?

When we bear much fruit, but keep things inside , we get a heavy heart.  The reason you may feel like you have ” missed it ” in a situation wasn’t because of the fruit inside your heart was rotten, its good fruit. The timing of picking it has to be up to me, your Father.

When you walk with me, all the fruit is healthy that you get from my heart. There are seasons where I am wanting you to grow it a bit longer before you give it away, or receive it for yourself.

There are seasons where you will have to listen closely to the beat of my heart, before your fruit begins to rot from hanging on the vine too long. 

All fruit that comes from me is meant to bring me glory in my Kingdom, and ultimately nourish your soul. Like a gardener tends to his garden , I want you constantly tending to your heart. Weed out what is rotten, and allow me to harvest your gifts and talents at the right time. 

The heart is as sensitive as your garden. Timing is everything.”

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