Other Sports Magazine

Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction

By Erin "wired" Saver @ErinWiredSaver
Upcoming Presentations
Oct 28th: Hayduke Trail Presentation, Mazamas Mountaineering Center @7pm(FREE)
Nov 7-8: Hayduke/GDT Presentations Oregon Trails Club Weekend Backpacking Seminar ($50 for seminar)
Dec 7th: Hayduke Trail Presentation, REI Portland (*Registration coming soon)
Dec 2nd: Great Divide Trail Presentation, REI Portland (*Registration coming soon)
Jan 6th: Great Divide Trail Presentation, Mazamas Mountaineering Center @7pm(FREE)
Tonight I had a fun experience I wanted to share with everyone. I was invited to a fancy fundraising dinner and auction for a local non-profit environmental law center in Portland, the Crag Law Center. Not only was I invited to the dinner, but I was an actual item in the auction! There's a unique experience. I'll get to the details on the auction in a minute, but first I want to mention the event.
Hikin' Helpin' With Auction
Every other year, Crag Law Center has a major fundraising dinner for their organization. Crag's mission is to protect and sustain the Pacific Northwest's Natural Legacy. As a non-profit law center, donations are an integral part of their organization and the work they are able to accomplish. It was admirable to be in a room with so many giving so much to help the environment. The event was held at The Benson, one of the most historic buildings in Portland and one of the finest hotels in the city.Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction
I've never been to an event of this caliber and I have to say the Portlanders rock! Everyone was really approachable and easy to talk to. There were randomly three different acquaintances there that I know through hiking near Portland. Two people knew me just before I left to do the PCT on my first thru hike. It was crazy to reflect with them and think how much has changed in such a short time period! I've also never been to an auction, so that was really cool too. The best part was that all the auction items were something outdoorsy! Some pieces of art, trips, clothing, gear, etc. The big ticket item of the night was an Alaskan cruise that went for $10,000! People at my table were actually in on that bid up until the last moment. So crazy! Items were lined up all along the room for silent auction, and some, like mine, were bid on live on the stage. So cool! Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction
My item was one of the first ones up for the night as everyone was getting settled in. It went by so fast! I kick myslef for not letting the auctioneer know I was there and not getting on stage. I was too busy recording it, ha! Here's the video clip. You can hear it was a lively crowd and lots happening at once.
So a day hike and dinner with me went for $300, yay! It was a fun evening and I'm glad I can give back in a unique way. Here I am with auction winners, Susan and Kevin, who also went home with an armful of pther goodies from the auction. It was entertaining to watch them bid for sure. Thanks for a great night you two!
Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction
My inner introvert is wiped out with all that commotion and ready to crash harder than if I had hiked all day today, whew! If you'd like to DONATE TO CRAG CLICK HERE!
Also, a reminder that I have two events coming up over the next two weeks. My first Hayduke presentation is this week at the Mazamas Mountaineering Center.
Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction
And the weekend of Nov 7th is Oregon Trails Club's Annual Backpacking Seminar. I will be doing BOTH my Hayduke and Great Divide Trail presentations there along with many other presenters for a two day packed weekend at Nesika Lodge in the Columbia Gorge. Registration information can be found at trailsclub.org
Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction
...and, of course, don't forget to VOTE FOR THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL! It's waaay too close to comfort and we can't let it slip away in the final days of voting. Vote until Oct 31st and email me to be put on the daily reminder list if you like.
Hikin' & Helpin' With An Auction

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