Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Hey You in Here…. YEAH YOU!

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

angelTrue forgiveness is not the ability to say you forgive and still have thoughts about it that create a reemergence of pain based on those thoughts.  True forgiveness is knowing this and forgiving yourself first to allow that thought process not to dictate your existence.  Truth is forgiveness is no more selective than unconditional love both are available to you now.

Have you truly ever forgiven anything?  That is to say let your thoughts not be the reason that something truly comes to you in thought that still causes pain within you.  This is not fair in any regards to how you can truly forgive.  The thoughts you state are the way this pain will stay alive in you.

“I know she didn’t mean to hurt me and I told her I forgive her.” yet, I never forget.  This statements biggest error is that now you will stay in pain with the painful thought of what you stated you would forgive.  This changes the course of all interactions that will happen in your life.  It was never meant to be that way you can hardly see this or see the altered course it will keep your life within.  You will find reasons to be alone, find reasons to not trust others all because you can’t trust yourself to forgive yourself, for carrying a thought of something that you stated you forgave outside of yourself.  Do you see how this can be non forgiveness?

Yes I hear you saying, “Ok!” but I am stating I won’t forget as a matter of truth. I can’t forget it hurt me.  Then I say to you..  I am going to keep the pain concealed in what you have done, and it will now be ok that it has altered my life because you are getting my forgiveness.”  Is anything in this statement true?  Yes, I will forgive you as long as I can now see with eyes that will be looking for this in all moments.  This truth will make any truth I will face slightly jaded because, of the content I will keep in my forgiveness, I am giving you. How you embrace this subtle truth is how you will interact with anything in this moment.

So how do you truly forgive.  You forgive yourself for allowing the content of the mind to keep the pain alive in you to conceal a deeper place of love you were always unable to reach, because of this non forgiveness you truly always kept it for no reason at all.  The more you try to validate any reason the greater the pain will live on in you.  Are you sure you are seeing the total picture here?  Aren’t you giving yourself that permission to endure a pain you truly needed to feel in the moment it was to experience, rather than dragging it on, saving some for later cause you deserve it, only to create more moments of saying you forgive, but you don’t truly understand what that means cause you will keep the thoughts about it alive.  As I am here to point this to you.. you are asking one simple thing to me…

Who the hell do you think you are?

Well isn’t this obvious… I am the unconditional love that lives on the inside of your being. You always have a choice to ask me for advice instead of the content you pull from the mind when it suits you, to live in danger, or in pain, to run from true love. I am the one that truly forgives and no longer sees the content the moment this happens.  I am, the I am…

I am deeply in love with you for that very reason.


Your soul….

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