Society Magazine

Heads Up... Pope Francis' Honeymoon with the Left is About to Be Over

Posted on the 15 April 2013 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni


He's dissing (I'm sure will be the charge) the nuns just like his predecessor did:

Pope Francis has reaffirmed the Vatican’s assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women WeLoveNunsReligious, which found it had “serious doctrinal problems” and needed to be reformed.

Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, met in Rome with conference president Franciscan Sister Florence Deacon on April 15, along with Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle, who was named to carry out the reform of the group.

Composed of some 1,500 members, the LCWR consists of about 3% of the 57,000 women religious in the U.S. Because its members are leaders of their religious communities, the group says that it represents 80% of American sisters. The average age of its members is 74.

Archbishop Müller told Sister Florence that he “recently discussed the Doctrinal Assessment with Pope Francis, who reaffirmed the findings of the Assessment and the program of reform for this Conference of Major Superiors,” an April 15 statement from the congregation said.

“It is the sincere desire of the Holy See that this meeting may help to promote the integral witness of women Religious,” the communiqué stated, and this requires “a firm foundation of faith and Christian love, so as to preserve and strengthen it for the enrichment of the Church and society for generations to come.”

Since it was his first time meeting with the leadership of the group, Archbishop Müller thanked the sisters for their “great contribution” to the Church in the United States, “as seen particularly in the many schools, hospitals, and institutions of support for the poor” that have been founded and staffed by religious.

He also “emphasized that a Conference of Major Superiors, such as the LCWR, exists in order to promote common efforts among its member institutes as well as cooperation with the local Conference of Bishops and with individual Bishops.

“For this reason, such Conferences are constituted by and remain under the direction of the Holy See,” he stated, citing canons 708-709.

On April 18, 2012, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith revealed the findings a four-year doctrinal assessment of the conference, which found “serious doctrinal problems” and the need for reform.

I covered portions of the so-called war against nuns here and here in case some aren't sure what this might be about but the bottom line is that Pope Francis' affirmation of last year's assessment will be much fodder for those who've been holding back on attacking this Pope for if we know anything about the left, we know that the war against women, no matter how manufactured that war might be, cannot be tolerated.

Pope Francis, hold on to your mitre, you're about to hit some turbulence.

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