Debate Magazine

He Makes Art by Walking on Snow

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Simon Beck

Simon Beck (pic above) is a hardy and very persistent man who creates breathtaking works of art from walking for miles on fresh snow, wearing snow-shoes (or raquettes).


As he recounts it, his snow art began one evening in 2004 after a day of skiing in Les Arcs — a ski resort in Savoie, France. Wanting “a little exercise,” Beck took out his Silva type 54 compass he uses for surveying orienteering maps and went onto a little snow covered lake. He plotted 5 points in a pentangle, joined them up to make a star, then filled in the 15 triangles that resulted and later added some circles. He found the result quite impressive, viewed from a nearby chair lift that afforded a bird’s eye view of the lake.

He hasn’t stopped since.

Here are some of Beck’s snow art designs:


H/t ViralNova and FOTM’s swampygirl


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