Books Magazine

HATCHING CHICKS IN ROOM 6 is a CYBILS WINNER for Elementary Non-Fiction

By Carolinearnoldtravel @CarolineSArnold
HATCHING CHICKS IN ROOM 6 is a CYBILS WINNER for Elementary Non-FictionHURRAY! Hatching Chicks in Room 6 is the winner of the 2017 Cybils Award for Elementary Non-Fiction. I am delighted. Many thanks to all the judges!
The Cybils Awards aims to recognize the children’s and young adult authors and illustrators whose books combine the highest literary merit and popular appeal. If some la-di-dah awards can be compared to brussels sprouts, and other, more populist ones to gummy bears, we’re thinking more like organic chicken nuggets. We’re yummy and nutritious.
Here's the description of my book on the Cybils site: (Take a look at the site for winners in all the categories.)
Elementary Non-Fiction
HATCHING CHICKS IN ROOM 6 is a CYBILS WINNER for Elementary Non-FictionHatching Chicks in Room 6
by Caroline Arnold
Nominated by: Claire Annette NolandSimple yet fascinating, this book takes the reader inside a diverse kindergarten classroom as they watch chicks hatch from eggs and learn about the life cycle of chickens. The simple text makes this title accessible to younger readers, yet there is enough information inserted into the story to make sure they, as well as older readers, learn new information. The once common experience of having animals in the classroom is much rarer these days, and this book captures the thrill of hatching and raising the chicks all the while introducing new vocabulary related to the endeavor. The photography captures both the delight of the students as well as funny expressions on the chickens themselves. The lively and informative text and intriguing photographs make this a perfect choice for younger elementary kids.

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