Are you a whiner or know someone who is one?
Let’s answer a questionnaire?
Is your glass always half empty?
Is nothing ever quite good enough for you?
Do people get angry with you because you don’t appreciate things?
Do people avoid you because you are a downer to be around?
Does everything that happen in your life has something negative attached to it?
Is the world picking on you?
Are most of the positive words from your mouth followed by something negative?
If your answer is YES to 50% of those questions, you are a WHINER and this day is dedicated to you or to someone you know.
National Whiner’s Day was created in 1986 by Rev. Kevin Zaborney. He created the day hoping that people would be grateful for the things they have verses looking at the things don’t.

Tips to Cure Yourself of Whining
Make a list of three positive things each day
Limit the number of times you whine about things per day
Say Thank you to at least one person a day without a “but”
Be Grateful for gifts and compliments
Stop living in the past
Don’t continue to discuss old subjects.
Stop trying to get people to feel sorry for you.
Stop being your own victim
Ways to Combat The Whiner

Cut off the discussion immediately if it is about that past. (“We have already discuss this.”)
Offer helpful strategies to solve the issue. If the whiner refuses, end to discussion. (“I will help you with a solution but I don’t have time to listen to you complain without the end result being a solution.”)
Don’t fall into negative behavior with the whiner. Be positive and optimistic.
So for all your whiners out there and from those of us who have enable you to continue on this path. Richly Middle Class would like to wish you a Happy Whiner’s Day!