Architecture Magazine

Happenings of an Architecture Blog

By Lugray @talkitect
Things have been slow on recently. It is an unfortunate side effect of being overly busy in other parts of my life. I recently purchased a new house and have been working hard at renovating it - new hardwood floors are in, painting has commenced, I'm considering bathroom redesign options like double sink bathroom vanities. I'm learning how to drywall next weekend and closing up a door. Soon I'll be taking down a wall between the kitchen and living room. This summer I'll start replacing the windows, replacing the hot water heater and improving the insulation. My dad helped rewire some of the light fixtures and switches. I will start posting some images of the progress here soon. I also joined the marketing team at Opsis Architecture and have been swamped working on proposals and their new website and social media campaigns. However, I am hoping things will begin to change soon. There are a couple of exciting things that will hopefully get Talkitect up and running again with more frequent posts. I am happy to introduce a couple of new contributors to the blog. You should soon start seeing posts from Kevin Young, Amanda Ingmire, Pierce Atkinson and Nigel Fenton. You can visit the about page for a short profile of some of our new contributors.
I am also working hard at finding sponsors and other revenue streams to keep the blog going and eventually allow me to pay for the content the new contributors create. This has been a slow process but hopefully our advertising revenue will start growing soon. I recently joined a blog advertising site  - blogads - that works at connecting bloggers with prospective advertisers. I am hoping they will help me find relevant companies that would like to advertise on talkitect. For more information about the company click here: making money blogging

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