Lifestyle Magazine

Grunge Collage

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
This is a completely non beauty related topic and I'm pretty darn sure most of you will skip over this post completely but it's my blog at the end of the day so *blows raspberry.* over the past three days I've become obsessed (yes, another obsession to add to the list) with collages, mainly the ones found on Tumblr with all the little stickers and drawings scattered over them, so I wanted to share my most favorite two of the bunch, as I couldn't decide on just one, both featuring the wonderful (Queen) Winona Ryder (no shocker there to anyone who knows me). Also can I point out that she was framed for theft by Lindsay Lohan, at least that's what my brain thinks, dunno how that's actually logical though. Oh well.
Grunge collage
Grunge collage

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