Fashion Magazine

Green Inspiration #129_jewel Tree Dress

By Marilovesgr33n @marilovesgr33n

ilovegreeninspiratin_Mary Katrantzou Jewel Tree Dress

Mary Katrantzou Jewel Tree Dress

Mary  Katrantzou “sure knows how to command a print, do something different with it and move it on to a whole new place”  – cit Suzy Menkes.

Mary is definitely the Queen of prints and all of her collections show us timeless way to create and wear them. Thought as design objects she imagine a world populated by fantastic characters: half comedians, half flowers, half birds, half ballet dancers. Everything turns into something totally unexpected and she is able to fit women silhouettes and most hidden desires. She is always looking for “the filtered beauty within an object; whether is an object from art or design that a woman would not be able to wear if it were real”.

When I came into a designer like she is, I suddenly loose my mind and start thinking how the world would be if such a whimsical and fantastic world would color not only our wardrobe, but also our home and walls.

“I can create possibility out of impossibility, surrealism out of realism and both vice versa.” says Mary and honestly she really does.

To enter her entire fantastic world this is  Mary’s enchanted place  .

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