Community Magazine

Green Cab Service Hopes to Keep Kalamazoo Seniors at Home Longer

By Easytracgps @EasyTracGPS

KALAMAZOO, MI – When the Rev. Billie R. Dalton needed to go to Ann Arbor for surgery, he didn’t call a friend or relative for the 80-mile trip. He called the Little Green Limousine.

Steve Gibson, the owner, drove Dalton to Ann Arbor, stayed with him during surgery prep and recovery, drove him back to Battle Creek and helped him into his house.

Green cab service hopes to keep Kalamazoo seniors at home longer

Steve Gibson, owner/driver/dispatcher of Kalamazoo's new Little Green Limousine.

“What I liked more than anything else: His whole focus is on comfort for the passenger. … I just appreciated the attentiveness of the service he’s rendering,” said Dalton, who first heard about Little Green Limousine on Facebook, and was being treated for esophageal cancer. “I was totally comfortable going and coming, and I was a sick puppy coming home.”

Green cab service hopes to keep Kalamazoo seniors at home longer

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