Grahan village, Himachal Pradesh
Grahan village is situated in kullu district of Himachal pradesh state of India. Its a 8km trek from kasol to Grahan village. lets take a photo journey first 🙂

Mid Way:

Grahan village:

It was a calm,early august morning and was a bit hard to know what day it was as every one of us had burried our cell phones in our rucksacks and moreover no one bothered to find out.
The first sip of my ginger lemon honey tea,ignited the urge to pull out my leather coated dairy i bought from ladakh. Lying on the siting area at first floor of the guest house i could see the whole grahan village and the clouds over it, come and go as the guest house was in new grahan ,that’s outer part of the local residential grahan village.
The view had me occupy the spot where i could sit…
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