Music Magazine

‘Got to Love the Music Video’ Playlist.

Posted on the 16 May 2012 by Musicforhair @musicforhair

Sorry for the lack of posting recently, life amongst other things has got in the way – you know how it is.

Amongst those ‘other things’ I have started work on building a new website and blog for my work, which has been fun and exciting. However, it has sucked that I haven’t spent more time on here over the recent weeks. I missed the exploration and posting of new stuff.

Well, anyway these music videos have been on my mind a lot recently – love their creativity and slight quirkiness. One last thing, they aren’t exactly rude but I would like to point out that they probably are for more mature audiences, except for the Metronomy video – you’re quite safe there.
!!! (Chk Chk Chk) – Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass

Saman KeshavarzBuy iTunes
Seymour Bits – This Is The Place To BePaul GeusebroekBuy iTunes

Metronomy – She Wants

Jul & MatBuy iTunes

Seymour Bits |

Metronomy |

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