As the year nears the end, many bloggers are looking back on what they accomplished, or didn’t, in the past year and begin planning. Planning on what goodness they could possibly bring to their blogs to keep their readers enticed and coming back for more.
I am one of those Bloggers
I have been all over the place this past year with My Girly Parts, as many of you know. Here are some of the factors in my rollercoaster ride from hell:
- Stress on the job front – overwhelmed with work and too much drama and politics. No raise, again.
- Stress on the home front – hubs lost his job part of the year and we are still trying to dig out of the hole.
- Mental Health – I battled through depression and found myself experience more anxiety than sadness. Stress and hormonal related.
- Starting my Freelance/Virtual Assistant business – yes, this takes a lot of work in a field that is pretty much filled with competition.
- The Need to bring more income into my home – hubs is back to work, however, he isn’t making as much as he was.
- Peri-Menopause – hormonal fluctuations, mood swings, anxiety, irregular menstrual cycles, body aches and pains, migraines, and so much more can really get a person down.
- A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) – I have self-diagnosed myself with A.D.D. The shiny, sparkly things can be such a distraction!
- Adding to our family – over the summer, we added a new furry princess to our family. She is a senior and more dysfunctional than my furson ever was, plus she has medical issues relating from allergies and over-breeding.
- Weight gain – peri or medication induced, but I have gained way too much weight over the past year. No matter how hard I try to diet, it just doesn’t come off. This too can impair my ability to stay focused, upbeat, and blogging.
- Keeping up with Social Media and Blogging – self-explanatory, no?
There have been other factors that I won’t get into now, but at least, you can get some idea of what my past year has been like. I’m not looking for pity, I’m just putting the facts out there.
Good things are coming
I’m currently working on my 2016 game plan. You may have noticed me missing from my business site, Virtual Bren. Simply because I don’t have the time nor strength to put more into it at this point. I’m focusing on where the money is currently being made through Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Content, and Reviews. Right here on good ole’ MGP!
Here are my plans for the New Year:
- A new theme – YES! Once again! I swear I am the queen of theme changes! (A.D.D. please see above)
- Services offered – YES! I still need to make a bit more money to compensate for what was lost last year (please see above) so I will continue to offer select services via Virtual Bren. Check it out! I offer special discounts for my besties!
- Contributors – YES! We’ve recently added a few new Contributors to MGP and I look forward to hearing more from all of you. If you think you might like to share your voice on My Girly Parts, please read our Guidelines on How to Become a Contributor.
- More Women Content – YES! My Girly Parts says it all! I’m taking the original mission into consideration and will be bringing more intimate and womanly content to MGP. This includes health, sex, menopause, and other goodies.
- Newsletter – I’m thinking of either a Weekly or Monthly Newsletter. Which would you prefer?
- Giveaways – I’m hoping to team up with a few folks for Sponsored Giveaways!
- Product testing – If you have a product that you would like me to test drive and review on MGP, please Contact Me about details!
- Routinely publish at least 2 articles per week.
There you have it!
This is just the beginning of my planning. Mind you, plans were meant to change. I am hoping to Contribute to some other blogs this year so if you’re looking and you like my voice, please let me know.
It’s time to #getyourgameon! #SetGoals!Powered By the Tweet This Plugin
Over to you
Have you started working on your 2016 mission yet? If so, care to share with us?
In case you missed it, my post Relieve Dry Air Discomfort with a #Honeywell Humidifier could use a bit of love.

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