Food & Drink Magazine

Goan Bhakkam Peda

By Prasanna Hede @savorybites0411

A new yummy post for all sweet lovers...This time a specialty of Goa...Bhakkam Peda!
This bhakkam Peda is one of Goa's famous sweets and all traditional sweet marts / sweet makers in Goa keep these bhakkam pedas in their store.

During Diwali or Ganesh Chaturthi,when we exchange sweets with our relatives and friends, these pedas are one of the special sweets that we exchange too.
Along with this we also exchange Goan Doodhpeda,try my recipe of that too.

It's my family's favorite sweet. There is one more traditional sweet that my family loves,I shall share that recipe soon.
My surprise was that these turned out to be soft and melt in mouth beyond my expectations.
I have been trying to make perfect bhakkam pedas for a long time now.
But cracking that recipe of the perfect pedas just the way we buy was a difficult task to accomplish for me.
I have tried these pedas almost 4 times now but every-time they did not turn soft and delicate ones.
But finally I could make them and was so happy!! :)
They vanished at my house in no have to make once again now!

Try these pedas and enjoy!

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

Goan Bhakkam Peda

  • You can skip the rose essence if you do not wish.
  • You can try adding Kewra essence too.
  • The lime juice is added to avoid sugar syrup crystallization.
  • Make the dough real soft, that will make the final peda melt in mouth.
  • These are best enjoyed warm.
  • Make sure the cracks in your dough ball are very slight.
  • If you drop the dough ball with lots of cracks then there is a possibility that the peda will crack open when you are frying them.

Goan Bhakkam Peda


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