Fashion Magazine


By Tryitonme @tryitonme

Go-ToWhat I'm wearing: Express Portofino shirt (another one I love), Zara jeans, Sole Society "Anneke" pumps, BCBG Clutch (similar, similar), MK watch,  sunglasses
I have 40+ pairs of shoes, but really only wear five. Piles of denim, yet rotate between the same two pairs. Half a closet bursting with dresses, yet usually grab my jeans. Based on this fact, and the current state of my closet, one could justify that I should probably appear on Hoarders.
But don't we all fall into routines now and then? A continuous program that makes us feel good. For instance, my beau and I have eaten taco salads for dinner six times in the last three weeks. My man is the most amazing cook, but that's our go-to dinner of the moment (plus they are the most delicious taco salads on the face of the earth). Well, this is my go-to outfit of the moment. Pretty blouse, dark denim, and great shoes. Perfect for work, then with a little sparkle, a statement clutch, and bold lip, I'm ready for night! And I'm not the only loving this ensemble; This particular combination is a favorite amongst all of my friends as well! On any given night, one of us will be wearing one of several versions of this look. 
They say that in time people being to resemble their dogs. Well, currently I am dog-less, making the next best thing my deceased one-eyed toy poodle Rosie. So if I had to choose, I'd consider myself very lucky to instead bear some (fashion) resemblance to my gorgeous girlfriends! 

Linked with Style Sessions, Get Your Pretty On, What I Wore, and Random Wednesday

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