Books Magazine

Glimmerglass Girl by Holly Walrath

By Pamelascott
Glimmerglass Girl by Holly Walrath

Glimmerglass Girl is a collection of poetry and images about womanhood and femininity. This debut collection from author Holly Lyn Walrath explores life, love, marriage, abuse, self-harm, the body, death, and alcoholism through the lens of a woman's heart. It takes readers through a speculative and fantastical world of fairy tales and unicorns where femininity is as powerful and delicate as a glass-winged butterfly.


[in the night glass is everywhere / making the concrete a river / dusting the filth with nymph sweat (ESPEJITOS)] ***

(Finishing Line Press, 3 August 2018, ebook, 30 pages, ARC from publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)



This is my first time reading the poet. I enjoyed some of the poems in this collection. They explore familiar themes of female identity in the modern world, relationship, love and abuse. Despite the sometimes grim subject matter the poems are written in a whimsical almost fantastic style. This is where it falls short for me. I felt the style was too light and didn't compliment the subject matter. Glimmerglass Girl didn't gel for me. The poems are interesting enough, well written with some lovely writing. Unfortunately, none of them left a very deep impression with me.

Glimmerglass Girl Holly Walrath

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