Hair & Beauty Magazine

Get Your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in Just 60 Minutes

By Ireviewuread
Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

Do you know that being around nature can reduce your stress and aid in preventing certain diseases? Mentioned in the book of Designing Our Future: Local Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems and Humanity, our bodies are still used to living in the natural environment despite the evolution. This is why humans love to buy flowers despite their temporary state. It is a great form of natural therapy that can result in a preventive medical effect. It relieves stress and can even boost weakened immune functions to prevent diseases.

If you have seen my previous article where I show you the bed that I slept in for 19 years, you would have noticed that there's this beautiful box of flowers on my nightstand. Those beautiful blooms came from FARM florist.

Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

FARM florist

FARM florist is an affordable and reliable florist that offers a variety of flowers from bouquets to potted orchids to terrariums. Some of their bouquets are even as cheap as $25 plus their flowers have been widely known to look like the product photos on the website. FARM florist also offers 60 minutes, express flower delivery. I'll touch more on their delivery later in this post. In the meantime, let's move on to this beautiful Surprise Bloom Box.

Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

FARM florist - Surprise Bloom Box

The Surprise Bloom Box comes in 2 sizes:

  • Standard Size - 3 stalks of primary flowers along with assorted flower fillers
  • Large Size - 6 stalks of primary flowers along with assorted flower fillers

As this is a surprise flower box, customization is not allowed. However, you can choose the colour theme that you like, the occasion and the age of the recipient to help FARM florist surprise you better. Besides, you'll also receive a complimentary card message with the flowers.

To receive a surprise bouquet box is such a joy for me for I love blind boxes and lucky bags. The unknown petrifies and entices me at once. While the rush of adrenaline as you eagerly await your mystery gift gets to me every time.

Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

It is no secret that I enjoy the scent of flowers but to learn that one's psychological well-being could significantly improve just by being in the same room as the flowers make me love them even more.

There were a variety of bright, beautiful and aromatic flowers in my bouquet box such as hydrangeas and lilies. Some of these flowers even only started to bloom after a few days. To watch the process of the flowers blooming is such a sight to behold.

Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

I love how fresh the flowers were. Some of them even only bloomed after a few days. The bloom box lasted 1 - 2 weeks for me, a lot longer than the bouquets that I usually get.

FARM Florist Delivery

FARM Florist also offers free delivery if you don't need an exact time for your receiver to receive the flowers. On the other hand, if you prefer a more specific timing, you can choose from one of the $10 time slots available. For delivery to Tuas, Sentosa or Jurong Island, $30 shipping fee would be required due to the nature of its distance.

There is also a 60 minutes express delivery option for those that need an emergency flower delivery. So for the partners out there that only remember the anniversaries and birthdays on the day of the event, FARM florist got you covered.

Get your Surprise Bloom Box from FARM Florist in just 60 minutes

With that, that's the end of this post. Do note, if you were to order a Surprise Bloom Box, you will not get the same one as I have received. To ensure you get the freshest blooms, the seasonal stalks will be replaced with an equivalent alternative of the same aesthetic quantity and the same or higher monetary value if there is any unavailability of the flowers. Get your FARM florist Surprise Bloom Box here.

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