Home Improvement Magazine

Get the Best Energy Efficiency From Your Ceiling Fan

By Texter

8 Ceiling Fan FAQs

Using a ceiling fan not only can make you feel more comfortable in hot weather, but also help you save more money. Find out why!
The best thing about ceiling fans is that they are cheap to buy, energy efficient, and cut your energy usage. Find out how you can save the most money by choosing the right one for your home!

Ceiling fans are a great way to cool your room, and they can even save on AC usage. Knowing how to use a ceiling fan efficiently and how to take care of it can save you even more money on electricity. We’ll answer 8 frequently asked questions about ceiling fans and give you actionable tips on how you can use them most efficiently.

1. How Much Electricity Does a Ceiling Fan Use?

Of course, the exact electricity usage of a ceiling fan depends on the brand and size. But, on average, a fan uses 31.1W. This means 0.0311kWh per hour of average electricity usage, which can be as low as 0.004 cents on your energy bill.

2. How Does a Fan Save Money on Electricity?

Ceiling fans are one of the most energy-efficient ways to cool your home. Even a small window AC with 500W per hour usage is significantly higher than even a large ceiling fan. So, opting to use your fan reduces your need to use an expensive AC, and saves you money.

3. What Size Fan Should I Get?

The size of the ceiling fan you need depends on the size of the room you’re planning to install it in. Opt for these blade sizes if your room is:

  • Less than 100 square feet: 36-inch span
  • 100-200 square feet: 42-inch span
  • 200-400 square feet: 52-inch span
  • More than 400 square feet: one 60-inch fan or two 52-56 inch fans

Always leave at least 18 inches between the tip of the blade and your walls.

4. Which Way Should It Spin in the Summer?

Believe it or not, the direction your fan spins matters. During the summer months, a fast counterclockwise spin pushes air down and creates a cool breeze. 

5. What About the Winter?

While ceiling fans seem useless in the winter, they can actually help keep your home evenly heated. A slow clockwise spin can pull cooler air upward and disperse the hot air that’s up near your ceiling. The result means that you use less energy keeping your home at a comfortable temperature, saving you more money.

6. How Fast Should Your Ceiling Fan Spin?

The speed of a ceiling fan’s spin is counted in revolutions per minute (RPM). And the ideal RPM depends on the fan’s size, shape, and the number of blades. Keeping your fan at the right speed maximizes efficiency while keeping you safe too.

For a 42-inch fan, you can consider a 50-100 RPM slow. And a 200 RPM speed would be fast. A fan this size shouldn’t spin faster than 350 RPM.

7. How Often Should You Clean the Blades?

Over time, ceiling fan blades can catch lots of stuff like dust, pollen, and pet hair. You should dust your fan blades at least once a week. You can also wipe them down once a month with a multi-surface cleaner.

8. When Should I Turn the Fan Off?

While ceiling fans can run for a long time, they should only run for about 18 hours continuously. They benefit air flow and heat distribution within your rooms, but there’s value in turning them off when no one’s home to enjoy its benefits.

Power Your Ceiling Fan With a Cheap Plan

While ceiling fans can save you a lot of money on electricity, the best way to keep your energy bill as low as possible is with a good plan. Discover the best electricity deals on https://www.texaselectricityratings.com/, compare the rates, and choose the best one.

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